Community Led Information Portal (CLIP) Toolkit

##ALTURL## About the CLIP Toolkit

About the CLIP Toolkit

This Toolkit provides guidance regarding procedures and processes required for the development of community projects and business
##ALTURL## Project Planning

Project Planning

Project Planning will help you to outline what you hope to achieve and how
##ALTURL## Safeguarding


Looking after children and vulnerable people


  • Volunteers

    Volunteers offer time, energy and enthusiasm to help any project succeed.
  • Wildlife and Nature Conservation and Enhancement

    Pembrokeshire has a wealth of wildlife, which contributes to local distinctiveness, a sense of place and provides quality of life for many local residents
  • Project Promotion

    Promoting a project will help to engage people and build local support and enthusiasm.
  • Event Planning

    Recognising the cultural, community and economic benefits that events can offer.
  • Ideas and Inspiration

    Interesting and inspirational examples
  • Stalled Space

    Stalled Space (temporary or unused land or building) can provide a valuable resource to help regenerate land and buildings throughout Pembrokeshire
  • Pop Up Shops

    A pop-up shop is a short term or temporary retail outlet used by companies and individuals to test a product in a high street location, build brand awareness, launch a new product, test a consumer market or targeted location.
  • Time banking

    Time banking offers a system of exchange that uses time as currency.
  • Community Land Trust

    A CLT is an initiative, set up and run by local community members to develop and manage homes creating new housing opportunities for the people of Pembrokeshire.
  • Community Asset Transfer

    For groups considering Community Asset Transfer on Council land or buildings

ID: 2760, revised 29/01/2020