

Organisations and individuals who want to provide types of entertainment or sell alcohol may require a licence or other authorisation from the local authority.


Our Licensing Team issues licences, registrations and permits for a wide range of activities with the aim of ensuring the safety of the public. 

They work closely with Dyfed-Powys Police and the Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of licences as well as any other relevant legislation.

We also have monitoring systems in place to detect and prevent unlicensed activities. As well as this enforcement regime, we also take part in education and information initiatives for licensees and their staff aimed at improving their awareness of public safety issues.


Examples of when licences or permits may be required

  • anyone that provides any entertainment between 11pm and 8am;
  • anyone that provides amplified live or recorded music to an audience of more than 500 people;
  •  anyone that provides recorded music to an audience on premises not licensed for the sale or supply of alcohol;
  • anyone that puts on a performance of a play or a dance to an audience of more than 500 people, or an indoor sporting event to more than 1,000 spectators
  • anyone that puts on boxing or wrestling
  • anyone that screens a film to an audience










ID: 3856, revised 29/01/2020