Customer Service

Our Customer Charter

Pembrokeshire County Council provides a wide range of services for its customers. Schools, social care, libraries, road maintenance and leisure centres are just some of our many services. One of our key principles is putting customers first, customers are the focus of everything we do and the way in which we work.

No matter which service or part of the Council you are dealing with, you can expect to receive a consistently high level of service.

We intend to make dealing with the Council as easy as possible, delivering services in ways that are convenient for you.

We will:

  • be polite, helpful, open and honest
  • listen to you and take notice of what you have to say
  • do our best to advise you
  • do what we say we will do
  • respect your confidentiality and privacy
  • provide clear information, using plain language and in a format to suit you
  • treat customers fairly and equally

People like to contact us in a number of ways, by phone, in person, in writing or online. This section explains what you can expect from all Council services at any time.

By phone

Our Contact Centre provides the first point of contact for our customers 01437 764551

9am - 5pm

Monday - Friday

Emergency Out of Hours 0345 6015522

When you telephone we will answer your call as soon as possible and deal with simple enquiries and requests for service quickly. 

We may need to transfer you to a specialist or take a message on your behalf if your enquiry is complex or needs further information.

If you wish to conduct the call in Welsh we may need to transfer you to a Welsh speaker. If no Welsh speaker is available to provide a service on a specific matter we will inform you when one will be available.

Answer machines are rarely used, and then only if it's absolutely necessary.

Please note calls may be recorded for monitoring and training purposes only.

In writing / by email

When you write to us or email us we will respond as quickly as we can and at the very latest within 15 working days.

If for some reason we are unable to respond within 15 days, we will contact you and explain why. We will keep you informed of progress and let you know when you can expect a final and full response.

We will respond in the language in which the correspondence is received (unless you ask us not to).

Please note that we are, however, unable to respond individually to submissions made in response to consultations or representations made in relation to planning applications.

In person

Customer Service Centres:

  • Haverfordwest

Opening hours vary. Please check individual Customer Service Centres pages for details.

When you visit us in person, we will try to see you within 10 minutes and deal with simple enquiries and request for service immediately.

If your enquiry is complex or needs further information, or you have particular communication requirements, we may have to ask you to make an appointment to come back at a different time, so we can ensure your needs are fully met.


A growing number of customers like to deal with us via our website.

You can access the internet free of charge in our libraries.

Registering for the ‘My Account' facility on our website will give you access to over 40 online services.  Once you have an account with us you will be able to:

  • Receive email notifications with regard to a range of council services and press releases
  • Report problems and incidents
  • Request a range of Council services
  • Pay for Council services
  • Use your postcode to pinpoint information specific to your property
  • Find out where your nearest Council services are located

Social media

Over 32,000 people already engage with us via social media

We welcome comments, questions and messages on: Facebook - Pembrokeshire County Council (opens in a new tab) and Twitter - Pembrokeshire County Council (opens in a new tab)

Alternative formats

We will provide adult social services leaflets in Easy Read format as standard. We will also ensure that all information sent to users of the Learning Disability Service is in an easy read format.

We will provide other material in alternative formats when required for example:

  • Large print
  • Easy read
  • Braille
  • Audio
  • British Sign Language
  • Languages other than English or Welsh 
ID: 573, revised 08/11/2023