Performance and Statistics

What we do

We provide a wide range of services for residents, businesses and visitors.

  • Serve a population of approximately 124,000 people
  • Collect rubbish and recycling from over 64,000 households
  • Maintain approximately 2,500 kilometres of road, 610 km of footways and 820 bridges
  • Providing over 8,000 off street parking place and co-ordinating over 6,500 works on the highway
  • Are responsible for 61 schools, providing education for more than 17,226 pupils 
  • Provide support to pupils with additional learning needs; child protection, safeguarding and youth services
  • Own and manage more than 5,700 homes
  • Provide adults with information and advice to help them to live independently in the community, as well as direct support for over 5,000 vulnerable adults
  • Develop a Local Development Plan, which we are required to review every four years, and process around 1,200 planning applications a year
  • Provide a wide range of public protection services, including environmental health, trading standards and licensing 
  • Help maintain Pembrokeshire's award winning beaches, which boast 10 Blue Flag and 7 Green Coast Awards
  • Manage the county's leisure facilities, and its libraries, museums and archives


ID: 462, revised 11/01/2023