Performance and Statistics

Data and Statistics

Around 125,000 people live in Pembrokeshire.

Of these about 21,300 (17%) are aged under 16, and 31,500 (25%) are aged 65 and over.

Around 73% of the population aged 16-64 are in employment. A range of economic and labour market statistics about Pembrokeshire (opens in a new tab) are available from the NOMIS web site. The Welsh Government also publish statistical summaries for Unitary Authorities in Wales.

Data is available for Local Authorities and smaller areas in England and Wales from a number of web resources:

Nomis contains a wide range of economic and labour market data as well as data from Censuses from 1981 to 2011;

The Neighbourhood Statistics (opens in a new tab) site allows users to search for data about their local area;

StatsWales (opens in a new tab) includes data about Wales including Education and Health data;

Health data can also be found on the Health Maps Wales (opens in a new tab) website

ID: 536, revised 09/11/2023