Waste & Recycling

Search for your Bin Day

##ALTURL## Changes to residual waste bags

Changes to residual waste bags

Residual, non-recyclable waste will now be collected in household provided black bags. You can use up any left over grey bags.
##ALTURL## Replacement bags and boxes

Replacement bags and boxes

You can obtain further supplies from the following places and customers can request more food waste bags by placing a note on their caddy when presented at the kerbside.


  • Hazardous Waste

    You must make sure any hazardous household waste is disposed of correctly. Find out what we can take.
  • Waste and Recycling Collections

    Find out more about our waste collections which encourages householders to recycle more
  • The Stackable Trolley Box

    The Stackable Trolley Box is a multi-box recycling container that assembles neatly into one easily manoeuvrable unit, enabling multiple material streams to be collected at once.
  • Kerbside collection

    The kerbside sort recycling collection service enables an extensive range of recycling to be collected at the kerbside
  • Bulky Household Collection

    If you have need to dispose of some bulky household items we can arrange that for you.
  • Home Composting

    Fancy trying home composting? We can help you get started and provide you with some useful advice and tips on being successful
  • Sustainable Schools Award Scheme

    The Sustainable Schools Award Scheme is about how we treat the earth and how we treat each other, no matter how far apart we live.
  • Municipal Waste Management Strategy

    Towards Zero Waste is the overarching waste strategy for Wales and identifies high level principles, policies and targets.
  • Real Nappies

    Find out more about using Real Nappies and the cashback scheme available
  • Recycle on the go

    You can now recycle your rubbish at a number of Pembrokeshire beaches. Sea, Sand and Sort provides recycling on the go facilities.
  • Seagull Proof Bags

    You can now purchase reusable seagull proof bags to protect your bins
  • Garden Waste Collections

    Between the 26th February and 29th November 2024; we are offering fortnightly collections of household garden waste.
  • Where does your recycling go?

    My Recycling Wales allows you to browse Welsh local authorities and see what happens to your waste across the UK, and even around the world.
  • Householders Duty of Care

    A duty of care applies to household, commercial and industrial waste known as controlled waste.
  • Food Waste Collections

    We can compost all your food waste! Find out more about our collection service and what you can and can't put in your bin
  • Repair Business Directory

    Don’t throw your broken items away, get them repaired!
  • Absorbent Hygiene Products

    If someone in your home uses disposable nappies or other AHPs and the property is their main place of residence, you can register for the AHP collection service to get these materials collected separately from your other waste and recycling.
  • Larger Household Allowance

    It is anticipated that larger households will produce greater amounts of waste and therefore will be provided with additional capacity
  • Two Minute Beach Clean

    The aim of the #2minutebeachclean scheme is to make it easy for people to keep our beaches clean.
  • Community Litter Picking Hubs

    There are seven Litter picking hubs operating across the County. They allow general public, community groups and businesses to borrow litter picking equipment to help clean up their local area.
  • Pembrokeshire Eco Park

    Following a successful planning process a new waste and recycling facility the “PCC Eco Park” will now be developed on land purchased to the north of Amoco Road
  • Waste and recycling collection disruptions

    Find out whether there are collection disruptions in your area.

ID: 17, revised 05/02/2025