Waste Strategy

Municipal Waste Management Strategy

Our plans for Waste

Pembrokeshire County Council's waste plans are driven by European legislation which sets targets for Wales and other Member states.

The Welsh Government has published Towards Zero Waste (opens in a new tab), the new Waste Strategy for Wales, which forms part of a suite of documents which sets out how Wales will comply with European law.  Towards Zero Waste is the overarching waste strategy for Wales and identifies high level principles, policies and targets.  More detailed delivery plans are provided in "sector plans". 

Pembrokeshire County Council's waste is covered by the Municipal Sector Plan (opens in a new tab) which sets the agenda for the management of local authority municipal waste.  Waste that is not municipal waste is covered by other sector plans. 

The following targets affecting Pembrokeshire County Council's waste have been set in the Municipal Sector Plan:


*Municipal Waste collected by local authorities






Minimum levels of preparing for reuse and recycling / composting (or Anaerobic Digestion) for municipal waste.






**BMW (Biodegradable Municipal Waste) Allowances








The Welsh Government has new legislative powers making  targets statutory (Statutory means imposed by law) for the percentage of a local authority's municipal waste which must be recycled, prepared for reuse or composted.  Failure to achieve these targets could result in fines of £200 per tonne for every tonne of waste by which Pembrokeshire fails. Further, failure to divert BMW (Biodegradable Municipal Waste) from landfill attracts an additional penalty of £200 per tonne over the allowance.

*Municipal waste is the waste that the County Council has responsibility for collecting and disposing. It mainly comprises wastes produced by households, wastes produced by trade premises and collected by the Council, and litter and street sweepings. 

**BMW - Biodegradable Municipal waste - is a type of waste, typically originating from plant or animal sources, which may be broken down by other living organisms. 

[1] No allowances given beyond 19/20.  We have assumed the allowance will remain the same.


ID: 417, revised 15/09/2023