Waste Strategy

Improvements to Waste and Recycling Services

On March 19th 2018, Pembrokeshire County Council Cabinet agreed, in a public meeting which was also webcast on the Council’s website,that the Authority would move to a much improved recycling service.
The changes are expected to come into effect in Autumn next year.
Householders will be able to recycle a greater range of plastic as well as paper, cardboard, glass, cans, and food.
Recycling collections will take place every week and households will be provided with free boxes and bags to collect the items.
Cabinet also approved a move to three-weekly bin bags collections, on the basis that householders will need to place fewer items in black bags thanks to the increased recycling opportunities.

A maximum of three black bags will be collected per household every three weeks.
Any additional bags taken to the local civic amenity sites will not be charged for.
Additional containment will be provided for householders if required, upon request, for example for larger families.
Cabinet also approved a fortnightly collection service for bulky absorbent hygiene products, including discreet collections where requested.

A feasibility study is currently being carried out to locate a central Bulking Transfer Facility in Pembrokeshire, which is where the lorries will unload the recycled items before they are despatched for recycling.



ID: 2264, revised 27/03/2023