Customer Service

Welsh Language Standards

The Welsh Language Standards were prepared under the Welsh Language (Wales) Measures 2011(1) and the Welsh Language Standards (No.1) Regulations 2015 which came into force on 31st March 2015.

In introducing the Welsh Language Measure and Welsh Language Standards, the Welsh Government's aims are to:-

  • increase and improve Welsh language services for the people of Wales;
  • ensure greater clarity and consistency in terms of the services that can be expected in Welsh;
  • give the people of Wales rights in terms of receiving services through the medium of Welsh.

The principal aim of the Welsh Language Commissioner, an independent organisation established under the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, is to promote and facilitate the use of Welsh.

When providing information to the general public Pembrokeshire County Council will do so bilingually. We will always treat Welsh and English equally.

A compliance notice was issued to the Council on 30 September 2015 and places a requirement on the Council to comply with 148 standards from 31 March 2016 and a further 23 from 30 September 2016.

ID: 591, revised 08/01/2025