Project Planning

Project Planning will help you to outline what you hope to achieve and how. It will chart planning timeframes and milestones and reassure potential funders.

Information to Include:

Identifying the Need for Your Project

Gathering documentary evidence of need is important as funders will insist on this information. This will include data from public consultation, surveys, questionnaires, case studies, demographic information and statistics. Using powerful quotes, pictures and news stories will add weight to evidence.


Set up a project calendar to present all proposed activities per year for up to 3 years. All activities should be plotted including development and maintenance plans, phased stages, staff and volunteer recruitment, finance budgets and promotion and marketing campaigns.

Staffing Levels

Plan the supportand skillsrequired to deliver all aspects of the project considering what can be done through employed staff or volunteers.

Identify Resources

Consider existing and available resources as well as any additional ones that will be needed. This may include external public sector and 3rd sector agencies, funding providers and available finance, physical space, manpower including volunteers, equipment, materials and storage provision


List all costs involved in planned activities considering equipment and consumables needed, advertising and promotional costs, staffing levels and volunteer expenses, insurance and legal costs and travel expenses

Project Impact

Explain the difference that your project will make. This will be termed as outputs (short term) and outcomes (long term). Identify the changes that will result and how many people will benefit

Monitoring and Evaluation

Plan how success or failure of the project will be credibly and realistically monitored throughout the project

The end

Outline your exit strategy,what will happen at the end of your project? Will it end or will others take over? Will additional funds be added to the project to extend or enhance it? How is this being planned

ID: 3865, revised 28/02/2022