Stalled Space

Stalled Space (temporary or unused land or building) can provide a valuable resource to help regenerate land and buildings throughout Pembrokeshire. Turning a problem into an opportunity it can have a positive impact on the appearance of an area. Involving and engaging local people can make a real difference in communities. This could include facilitating temporary use of green spaces, stalled development sites or vacant and derelict properties. See the Ideas and Inspiration page for examples of stalled space projects.


There are two main types of stalled spaces:

This may be land where the current economic climate has delayed development proposals, an unused area with no clear function or a vacant or derelict area that has been abandoned.


This may be an area that previously had buildings or structures on it which the local planning authority now promotes as suitable and available for redevelopment.


This is generally land or open space with no function, where buildings may need to be demolished or the ground could be contaminated from the site’s previous use.


It may be

  • an area on which buildings and other structures once stood but is not suitable for immediate redevelopment.
  • enclosed private space that is out of bounds to the public
  • rough wasteland that has a negative impact upon an area.

Land or property may be owned by the Council, a developer or a local individual where development has not yet started. It may be possible to contact the landowner to propose a temporary use for the space.

The pages within this toolkit provide comprehensive access to guidance regarding procedures and processes required for the development of business and community projects.


ID: 3875, revised 11/03/2022