Play Sufficiency Assessment

Monitoring Play Sufficiency

This section should identify the lead director and lead member for children and young people’s services.  It should also describe the Play Monitoring Group or equivalent.  Along with a list of members, please describe how the group has been facilitated and the benefits and challenges of the group.

The Lead is the Director of Education, Steven Richard-Downes. The Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning is Mr Guy Woodham.

The PSA involved consultation with representatives from; Pembrokeshire Coast and National Parks Authority (PCNPA), Action for Children, Gypsy and Traveller Co-ordinator, Early Years, Flying Start, Families First, Public Health Wales/Healthy Schools & Pre-schools, Pembrokeshire Housing, Public Health, Town and Community Councils, NHS, Healthy and Safety, Parents, children and young people.

The Assessment and Action Plan will be shared with Cabinet in June 2022 and any requested amendments will be dealt with in the Play Partnership Team.

ID: 9174, revised 03/11/2022