Play Sufficiency Assessment


This section contains the “matters that need to be taken into account” as set out under section 10 of the Statutory Guidance.

The Criteria column: sets out the data that needs to be available and the extent to which Local Authorities meet the stated criteria.

The RAG status column: provides a drop down box, whereby the Local Authority can show its assessment of whether that criterion is fully met; partially met; or not met. These have been given Red, Amber Green markers, which appear as words in the drop down boxes. (In the “RAG status column” ,Double click on the word status  – this will bring up drop-down form fields options, use the arrow down key until the status required  Red, Amber or Green- is at the top then press ok)

Red, Amber Green (RAG) status is a tool to communicate status quickly and effectively.

  • Green: Criteria fully met
  • Amber: Criteria partially met
  • Red: Criteria not met

The 2022 column enables the local authority to indicate the direction of travel with the insertion of arrows.

The Evidence to support strengths column:  should be used to provide the reason for the chosen criteria status and how the evidence is held.

The Shortfall column:  should be used to explain the areas in which the Local Authority does not fully meet the criteria.

The Identified Action for Action Plan column: should be used to show the Local Authority action planning priorities for that Matter. 

The Comments section:  asks some specific questionsfor each matter that should enable you to give a clear overview of how the Local Authority complies with the intention and implementation of this matter as set out fully in the Statutory Guidance. It also provides the opportunity to identify challenges and how they might be overcome

ID: 9176, revised 13/03/2023