Play Sufficiency Assessment

Matter G

Securing and developing the play workforce

The Local Authority should provide information on the organisational structure of the policy area which manages the play agenda and the play workforce.

RAG Status

Amber: Criteria partially met

Note – These criteria are specifically about Playwork: Playwork is a highly skilled profession that enriches and enhances play. It takes place where adults support children’s play but it is not driven by prescribed education or care outcomes. This includes both open access and out of school childcare settings.



  • The Local Authority keeps up to date information regarding the playwork workforce across the Local Authority (this should include the number of playworkers, playwork management structure, qualification levels, training opportunities and volunteers)

RAG status 2019

Amber: Criteria partially met

RAG status 2022

Amber: Criteria partially met

Evidence to support strengths

  • A full audit of all qualifications is in place. The Local Authority has seen that sufficient training is in place to ensure all sites have a relevantly qualified play worker.


  • Difficulties with recruitment and retention

Identified actions for Action Plan

  • Deploy additional capacity into creating bespoke packages of training that fill needs gaps
  • Work with stakeholders to identify how the importance of play and raising the profile of playwork can be undertaken through training
  • Identify long term funding streams to ensure playworkers and parents can continue to be incentivised to undertake training
  • Childcare Development Officers, wider colleagues and partners to plan, develop and implement a recruitment process to assist in the promotion of careers in childcare and to reduce vacancies across the sector



  • The Local Authority supports all of the workforce to achieve the qualification level required by the Welsh Government’s National Minimum Standards 

RAG status 2019

Amber: Criteria partially met

RAG status 2022

Amber: Criteria partially met

Evidence to support strengths

  • A full audit of all qualifications is in place. The Local Authority has seen that sufficient training is in place to ensure all sites have a relevantly qualified play worker


  • Difficulty in the sector with recruitment and retention 

Identified actions for Action Plan

  • Link in with recruitment strategy carried out by the Early Years Team.



  • The Local Authority has a staff development budget ring fenced for play, including playwork

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Green: Criteria fully met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Core budget assigned for training of the workforce 


Delayed due to the pandemic. 

Identified actions for Action Plan

  • Source new training package for providers. 



  • There is a comprehensive range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities available for playworkers in the area

RAG status 2019

Amber: Criteria partially met

RAG status 2022

Green: Criteria fully met

Evidence to support strengths

  • An annual training package is offered to all registered providers within the local authority. An out of school network is also offered via the Child Care Development Officers



  • Training is available for volunteers and parents to develop their knowledge on skills in playwork

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Green: Criteria fully met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Training package for volunteers is provided by the LA.



  • The Local Authority includes playwork within its Workforce Development strategies

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Green: Criteria fully met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Playwork is included within the workforce development strategies and as part of the Early Years training



  • The Local Authority supports partners to deliver appropriate training to community groups, parents and volunteers

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Red: Criteria not met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Strategic Play and Operational Play Officer offers training to community groups and volunteers.   


  • This was stopped throughout the pandemic

Identified actions for Action Plan

  • To reinstate and schedule dates through annum


Note – these criteria are about the Play workforce: This encompasses anyone employed whose role has an impact on children playing – those who may either directly facilitate their play, design for playing, or those with the power to give permission for children to play, or not.


  • The Local Authority has undertaken a comprehensive training needs analysis for the play workforce as defined in the toolkit glossary and above

RAG status 2019

Amber: Criteria partially met

RAG status 2022

Amber: Criteria partially met

Evidence to support strengths

  • A full audit of all qualifications is in place. The Local Authority has seen that sufficient training is in place to ensure all sites have a relevantly qualified play worker

Identified actions for Action Plan

  • Source new training package for providers.




  • There is a comprehensive range of CPD opportunities for a range of professionals who work with children

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Green: Criteria fully met

Evidence to support strengths

  • An annual training package is offered to all registered providers within the local authority.
  • An out of school network is also offered via the Child Care Development Officers



  • Training awareness sessions are available for professionals and decision makers whose work impacts on children’s opportunities to play

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Red: Criteria not met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Strategic Play and Operational Play Officer offers training to professionals on Play work 


  • Delayed due to the restrictions of the pandemic. 

Identified actions for Action Plan

  • Offer regular training sessions on the benefits of play. 


Securing and developing the play workforce

How has the Local Authority met the requirement to undertake or secure the managerial and delivery functions necessary to achieve sufficient play opportunities?

Since the last PSA, the play team has increased its capacity somewhat, which has allowed the profile of play to be raised and partnerships to be strengthened.

How has the Local Authority ensured it understands and provides for the workforce development needs of the play workforce (as defined in Wales: A Play Friendly Country and above)?

A full audit of all qualifications is in place. The Local Authority has seen that sufficient training is in place to ensure all sites have a relevantly qualified play worker.

How has the Local Authority ensured it understands and provides the playwork workforce (as defined in Wales: A Play Friendly Country and above)?

All playworkers were invited to undertake consultation as part of this PSA.

Have there been challenges?

COVID-19 posed significant challenges in terms of staff retention and recruitment. All play workers were invited to undertake consultation as part of this PSA, but take-up was very low with less than 20% (4 playworkers) completing this.  

How can these be overcome?

The LA should consider ways to encourage workforce development that are not reliant on incentive grants e.g. by raising the profile of playworker as a profession. Parents should also be engaged and encouraged to take up voluntary playwork.


ID: 9243, revised 03/11/2022