Play Sufficiency Assessment

Matter B

Providing for Diverse Needs

The Play Sufficiency Assessment should present data about how the Local Authority and partners aim to offer play opportunities that are inclusive and encourage all children to play and meet together.

RAG Status for Matter B

Amber: Criteria partially met



  • The play requirements of children living in isolated rural areas are understood and provided for

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Amber: Criteria partially met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Findings from consultation show that children in rural areas reported being largely happy with play in Pembrokeshire. A large proportion of the parks in rural areas are community parks and they have started to access the Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant to upgrade equipment in their parks.


  • Data from the 2021 Census, once available, will support the LA to prioritise future play opportunities.

Identified actions for Action Plan

  • Play Strategy Group will use the 2021 Census data when released to plan future play opportunities.



  • The play requirements of Welsh language speaking children are understood and provided for

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Amber: Criteria partially met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Welsh language play provision was provided via the Urdd during the Winter of Wellbeing 2022. Volunteers who support our play provisions speak Welsh offering a bi-lingual provision.


  • Funding to continue with these initiatives and programmes.

Identified actions for Action Plan

  • SOPO to seek alternative funding if WG play grants cease



  • The play requirements of children from different cultural background are understood and provided for

RAG status 2019

Amber: Criteria partially met

RAG status 2022

Amber: Criteria partially met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Funding has been granted for schools to provide culturally inclusive toys. The EAL service also provides culturally appropriate stories, books, dual language signs and items in the role-play area. A meeting has been arranged with EAL service to support implementation.
  • X3 ALN specific youth clubs are in place to support children/YP aged 5-18 across the county. Including an ALN holiday play scheme.


  • Funding to provide culturally inclusive toys.

Identified actions for Action Plan

  • SOPO to seek alternative funding if WG play grants cease.



  • The play requirements and support needs of disabled children are understood and provided for.

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Green: Criteria fully met

Evidence to support strengths

  • We operate X3 specialist ALN youth clubs and a specialist ALN Holiday Play Scheme for YP aged 5-18 within the county to provide play opportunity specifically for children and young people with ALN and/or disabilities



  • Play projects and providers have access to a range of resources which support inclusion

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Green: Criteria fully met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Referral system to support inclusion – access to play during holidays. All play provided is open access with 1-1 opportunities also available. Play_Inc Plus funding available to assist ASC/holiday  schemes who need specific help for children with ALN. Childcare development officers also available to support – provide policies and procedures to support inclusion



  • There is a well-known and agreed mechanism which is used to identify the need for separate provision for disabled children

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Green: Criteria fully met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Tots 2 Teens, Play_Inc and Play_Inc Plus play provisions are on offer for Children/YP with ALN. Tots 2 Teens has been in place since 2005 and is well established, well-advertised across Pembrokeshire. Working professionals are aware of the provision and know how to refer families.



  • Access audits for all play provision as described in the guidance are undertaken

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Green: Criteria fully met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Access audits are undertaken by the LA on a regular basis. 



  • Designated play space is provided and well maintained on gypsy traveller sites

RAG status 2019

Red: Criteria not met

RAG status 2022

Amber: Criteria partially met

Evidence to support strengths

  • Consultation is due to be arranged with Monkton Priory.


  • Relationships need building within this community.



  • The requirements of young carers are understood and provided for

RAG status 2019

Green: Criteria fully met

RAG status 2022

Green: Criteria fully met

Evidence to support strengths

  • A young carer has now been appointed to the young people’s forum to feed into discussions on behalf of young carers. A Young Carers ID card has been developed in partnership with Action for Children and launched providing discount to leisure activities run by the council, including free car parking to one of the largest play parks in the county.


  • Further consultation could take place as the pandemic impacted the way in which we consulted with our YP.

Identified actions for Action Plan

  • SOPO to organise consultation to take place SOPO to build trust within this community.



  • The requirements of lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) children are understood and provided for

RAG status 2019

Amber: Criteria partially met

RAG status 2022

Amber: Criteria partially met

Evidence to support strengths

  • A dedicated website has been set up for LGB children, with the site going live earlier this year.


  • Partnership working needs to be improved with the youth department on supporting LGB further.

Identified actions for Action Plan

  • Ascertain the play needs of LGBT+ youth and GT children through further consultation to ensure these are being met. SOPO to develop working relationship with youth to support LBG to ensure their needs are understood and catered for.


How has data been used (or how will the data be used) to address the barriers that children with diverse needs face in accessing inclusive and accessible opportunities for playing?

Children from a variety of cultural backgrounds and with ALN were consulted as part of the PSA. Data from surveys showed that a significant number of both parents and providers felt that some children were not accessing play because of an Additional Learning Need or disability. Any barriers that include disability, cultural values, language ethnicity and sexuality will be prioritised.

Since the last PSA, a website has been established as a place for LGBT+ youth to access to find out about play opportunities and meet with other similar young people.

Have there been challenges?

There have been challenges in capacity to consult with children in certain groups; the coronavirus pandemic has influenced this.

Funding is an ongoing issue in ensuring that inclusive play equipment is provided, there is no specific budget for Play.

There is a perceived lack of suitable fixed play equipment for children with ALN.

During the time of the PSA consultation there were a large number of surveys circulating for various different studies and purposes, this left people feeling confused about which surveys were important to complete.

How can these be overcome?

Further consultation will take place with Gypsy Traveller children and consultation should take place with LGBT+ youth to ascertain their play needs. Funding is being directed towards making some parks more inclusive, such as Pembroke Dock Memorial Park and Scolton Manor to meet the need for specialist equipment.

The local authority is also working with the EAL service to ensure these children’s needs are met. Welsh-language play provision should be promoted and encouraged.

Strategic & Operational Play Officer to develop working relationships with relevant departments and organisations to ensure the groups mentioned above are catered for and their thoughts and opinions are taken into consideration. More collaboration between relevant departments is proposed to ensure that all children and young people have access to opportunities within Pembrokeshire. Any barriers that include disability, cultural values, language, ethnicity and sexuality will be prioritised.

ID: 9178, revised 03/11/2022