Play Sufficiency Assessment
Matter F
Access to space/provision
The Local Authority should consider all the factors that contribute to children’s access to play or moving around their community.
RAG Status
- The Local Authority keeps an up to date record of the number of 20 mph zones/school safety zones in residential areas
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- There are currently 52 x 20 MPH zones within Pembrokeshire, 36 of which are situated where a school is located.
- Continue to apply for road safety grants
- The Local Authority has an identified mechanism for assessing the impact of speed reduction and other road safety measures on the opportunity for children to play outside in their communities
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- LA work within current council policies and statutory guidelines as set out by WG. Assessment take into consideration environmental factors.
- Working on safer routes in communities document which is carried out on a community by community basis. This takes into account safer routes, crossings and community access to facilities.
- Meetings take place with Police to monitor accident trends on the roads and public spaces.
- The Local Authority has a plan(s) to reduce the negative effect of busy roads and junctions through the introduction of speed reduction measures and provision of safe crossing points/routes for pedestrians and cyclists
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- There are currently 30 crossing patrol staff working prior to and at the end of the school day during term time.
- Road Safety interventions implemented include Small Steps, Kerbcraft and National Standards Cycle Training.
- The Local Authority has a plan(s) to improve walking and cycle access to parks, outdoor play facilities and local leisure centres from residential areas
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- Pembrokeshire County Council consistently receives high allocation in Wales from WG to promote access in the community including some areas with access to open play areas through the Safe Routes in Communities (SRiC) bid in Pembroke Dock, Milford Haven and St Davids Delivery of WG Road Safety Grant schemes including new 20mph zones/limits at Llandissilio/ Maenclochog/Tenby.
- SRiC schemes in St Davids Communities across Pembrokeshire have benefitted.
- Walking and cycling have been improved by school warning signs, dropped pedestrian crossing points and dropped kerbs, introduction of open and covered cycle stands in schools, shared use paths, introduction of speed cushion in leisure centre car parks, street lighting in schools.
- The Active Travel Act 2013 puts a duty on local authority to map walking and cycling routes and apply for funding to introduce routes in towns within the County.
- There is potential for the Local Authority to take further action to reduce traffic speed and improve road safety to promote play opportunities. The Local Authority uses road safety grants and/or other funding to support delivery of cycling training for children to national standards.
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- The Authority considers all requests for speed reduction/calming measures
- The bid has been submitted to WG and has been authorised; awaiting funding.
- Claire Williams Traffic
- The Local Authority uses road safety grants and/or other funding to provide pedestrian safety training for children
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- The bid for Kerb Craft was submitted and authorised. For pupils 5-7 year olds within the county.
- The Local Authority has an accessible and well-known way of arranging temporary road closures, to support more children to play outside their homes
RAG status 2019
Amber: Criteria partially met
RAG status 2022
Amber: Criteria partially met
Evidence to support strengths
- The Local Authority is currently researching street play policies with a Trainee Play Sufficiency Officer to identify road closure opportunities – ongoing subject to funding.
Identified actions for Action Plan
- Apply to CCG strategic group for assistance with funding for a trainee PSO.
- The Local Authority refers to Manual for Streets when considering new developments and changes to the highway network/urban realm
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- Confirmation received from Highways that the Manual for Streets is used in line with guidance.
- The Local Authority works to nationally recognised good practice guidelines when developing walking and cycling facilities.
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- Local Authority follows National Standards namely Welsh Government Active travel Design Guidelines
- The Local Authority uses child pedestrian road accident casualty data to inform the location and design of interventions which help children get around independently in their communities
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- Kerb Craft data is utilised.
- Road Safety Grant is funding to put in measures where a cluster of accidents has taken place.
- The Local Authority considers children’s needs to access play opportunities when making decisions about public transport planning and expenditure
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- “Let’s Talk Transport “
- Community Transport Forum established to consider the transport needs of the community as a whole
- The requirements of disabled children are understood and provided for within traffic and transport initiatives
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- Inclusive within Kerb Craft, sign post for hiring mobility bikes
- Blind children supported by EAL department.
- Access for the disabled is always considered in initiatives.
Information, publicity and events:
For children and families to take part in play opportunities, recreational activities and events it is necessary for them to know what is available in their area.
- The Local Authority has a clearly identified section on its website which gives information about play opportunities as described in the Statutory Guidance (play areas, play provision, clubs and their accessibility)
RAG status 2019
Amber: Criteria partially met
RAG status 2022
Amber: Criteria partially met
Evidence to support strengths
- The Local Authority has a dedicated Play Pembrokeshire website detailing ideas for play and the Local Authority’s understanding of play.
Identified actions for Action Plan
- Ensure this is kept up to date with any new play initiatives and that parents are easily signposted to information on play and the importance of play, as well as the services available
- Consider how to promote opportunities to families who may not have regular access to the internet, e.g. through posters, flyers in the local community
- The Local Authority provides information on access to play opportunities and contact for support if required
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- This can be provided by the LA if required.
- The Local Authority supports and publicises events which encourage play opportunities and events for children and families
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- The LA has a communications officer and a social media site in place.
- The Local Authority publicises information which contributes to positive community attitudes to play
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Green: Criteria fully met
Evidence to support strengths
- The LA has successfully promoted events such as the Summer of Fun and Winter of Wellbeing.
- The Local Authority publicises information and support for parents to help them encourage their children to play
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Amber: Criteria partially met
Evidence to support strengths
- The LA advertises ongoing play events.
- Limited advertising in place, more could be done to advertise and promote the importance of play to parents and families.
Identified actions for Action Plan
- Ensure this is kept up to date with any new play initiatives and that parents are easily signposted to information on play and the importance of play, as well as the services available
- The Local Authority widely uses on-site signposting to safeguard and promote play
RAG status 2019
Red: Criteria not met
RAG status 2022
Amber: Criteria partially met
Evidence to support strengths
- The Local Authority has a dedicated Play Pembrokeshire website detailing ideas for play and the Local Authority’s understanding of play.
- Limited advertising in place, more could be done to advertise and promote the importance of play to parents and families.
Identified actions for Action Plan
- Ensure this is kept up to date with any new play initiatives and that parents are easily signposted to information on play and the importance of play, as well as the services available
- The Local Authority has a dedicated Play Pembrokeshire website detailing ideas for play and the Local Authority’s understanding of play
- The Local Authority engages with the media to encourage the positive portrayal of children playing in the local area
RAG status 2019
Green: Criteria fully met
RAG status 2022
Amber: Criteria partially met
Evidence to support strengths
- The Local Authority has a dedicated Play Pembrokeshire website detailing ideas for play and the Local Authority’s understanding of play
- Limited advertising in place, more could be done to advertise and promote the importance of play to parents and families.
Identified actions for Action Plan
- Ensure this is kept up to date with any new play initiatives and that parents are easily signposted to information on play and the importance of play, as well as the services available
- The Local Authority has a dedicated Play Pembrokeshire website detailing ideas for play and the Local Authority’s understanding of play
Access to space/provision
How has the Local Authority ensured collaboration to ensure children can move around their communities to increase access to opportunities for playing?
The Council is required to produce the following reports on an annual basis:
Annual Report detailing the actions taken in the previous financial year to promote active travel, and the costs incurred for developing new or improved active travel routes and facilities.
Monitoring Report detailing the level of use of active travel routes in the 10 designated ‘active travel’ settlements together with information on new routes that have been improved or constructed.
Have there been challenges?
The on-going pandemic has brought challenges for children to move freely around their communities and to access play opportunities.
How can these be overcome?
Lifting of restrictions relating to coronavirus pandemic.
The reports above should take into account all areas of play, not just leisure facilities or parks.
Information, publicity, events
How has the Local Authority positively used information to support access to play provision?
The Council advertises the importance of play and ongoing play events, which are published through the corporate website and social media pages, as well as by the FIS.
Have there been challenges?
High reliance on grants in order to hold and promote the above activities. The Play Team is small and therefore lacks capacity to run extensive advertising/marketing campaigns. The LA’s success in publicising and holding events which contribute to positive community attitudes to play has been due to additional resources and grants to make this possible. Whilst the Holiday Playwork grant is now annual, this will not cover the cost of marketing and advertising.
How can these be overcome?
Continue to use free channels of advertising and undertake community outreach to ensure families are kept informed. Work closely with schools to deliver messaging around play.