Parking in Pembrokeshire

Civil Enforcement Report 2018-19


Strategy & Policy

Parking provision in Pembrokeshire

Our services

Civil parking enforcement

Performance delivery and statistics

Financial information

Update on 2017/18 initiatives

Future developments and initiatives

Appendix one


By Councillor Phil Baker

Cabinet Spokesperson for Infrastructure, Licencing and Major Events 

The Council is required to publish this information in accordance with Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004.

This is the Seventh annual report which we have published, in accordance with the requirements of the Traffic Management Act 2004. Its aim is to provide information about how Pembrokeshire County Council delivers its parking enforcement and associated services and to place the service in context with our other road network management duties and policies.

We continue to enforce parking restrictions both on and off street on all roads in the County and in all car parks owned by the Council. This report covers the period from 1st April 2018 to 31 March 2019. 

One of our priorities is to ensure that the enforcement of parking restrictions is transparent, consistent and fair. Pembrokeshire County Council recognises that openness and accountability is critical to gaining public support and by publishing our Annual Parking Report, we hope that our customers will be aware of our dedication to improving the parking regime for residents, businesses, and visitors.

The authority is also continually reviewing how we operate our parking services operations and is working on a full cost recovery basis. It is our intention to ensure that we deliver a high standard of service for both on and off street parking provisions. We will continue to evaluate our parking charging policy and ensure we review our whole service as part of our transformation programme

If you have any questions or comments regarding our Parking Annual Report, please let us know by telephoning on 01437 764551 or emailing us at

Strategy & Policy


The Strategic Vision of the Council emphasises the promotion of an attractive, clean and healthy environment and the Regional Transport Plan gives recognition that traffic management plays an important part in ensuring safe, effective and rational use of the highway.  

Charging Policy

  • The need to encourage retail trade;
  • The need to manage traffic, including on-street parking and traffic flows;
  • The need to manage demand effectively;
  • The nature of parking location and its users, i.e. urban shopper/business, residential, rural town shopper, beach/visitor;
  • Comparison with other providers in the locality;
  • The need to encourage the use of more sustainable forms of transport, including public transport;
  • Charges are not set purely in order to derive income;
  • Have regard to the overall revenue budget provision (expenditure and income) for car parks;
  • A presumption in favour of improvements being funded by increased tariff.

These principles are applied consistently, which results in different charges from place to place.

Demand Management 

Car parking charges have been considered on a location by location basis. Car parking charges in Pembrokeshire are set to encourage shoppers, and are likely to require short-stay spaces. Where car parking is subject to high demand and/or limited capacity, then parking periods and tariffs are carefully set to optimise turnover

Parking Provision in Pembrokeshire

Off Street

The Authority manages car parks to provide for both short stay and long stay users. Charges apply in accordance with Council Policy.

Disabled provision is in accordance with the guidance issued by DfT.

On Street

The Authority provides on street parking facilities on the adopted public highway where it is considered appropriate to do so without undue interference with moving traffic. It makes provision for limited waiting, disabled, loading, taxi, motor cycles and residents.

It has developed robust and fair practices to manage the kerb side to cater for the competing demands of the various users. No restrictions have been implemented that do not have a traffic regulation order to support them.

Our Services

Off Street Parking

The Council has both charging and non charging car parks; Pembrokeshire County Council has 98 car parks of which 36 are pay and display. 18 have charges applying all year round and 14 seasonal charges.

Between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019 the following were issued

  • 517 Season tickets
  • 98 Reserved bays permits
  • 132 Tenby Harbour permits.

A minimum of 6% of spaces have been set aside for blue badge holders. The Council waived charges on certain days in December in the lead up to Christmas in all paying car parks through the County.

On Street

There are currently 1035 limited waiting spaces, 127 disabled spaces, 33 Taxi spaces, 3 Bus bays, 28 bays for Loading  / Goods unloading bays, 1 ambulance bay and 1 motorcycle bay. Within the overall spaces there remain 636 spaces for Resident / Business Permit Holders.   

Resident Parking

Resident Parking Schemes have been introduced, where practicable, on a number of streets/locations across the County. There are currently 57 schemes in operation, full list on Appendix 1 All schemes on the public highway are operated under the same regulations, one permit to a property to a specific vehicle. Permits are valid for a period of up to 12 months. A cost of a permit is £40.00. Visitor permits are available for periods of up to 7 days at a cost of £30.00, again one to a property to a specific vehicle. Proof of occupancy, valid insurance and MOT certificate must be provided.

A non-highway scheme is operated in Tenby Harbour where one permit is issued to each property but is not vehicle specific. Cost of a permit is £200.00, this fee was increased on the 1st March 2018. 

There were 1831 annual permits issued between 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 and 175 visitor permits.

Parking Dispensations

The Council does allow, in certain circumstances, by the issue of a dispensation, a vehicle to park lawfully in contravention of a Traffic Regulation order. It may also suspend parking places for the purposes of reserving those places for particular vehicles and/or applicants.

Dispensations will be issued by way of a temporary permit containing the details of the event, the vehicle registration, date and time of use. The permit must be clearly displayed on the front windscreen of the approved vehicle.

252 dispensations were issued 1st April 2018 - 31st March 2019.

Civil Parking Enforcement

Parking and Streetcare Teams

Combining the management and enforcement of both on and off street parking provides considerable operational and community benefits. In April 2013 the Parking service team and streetcare team were combined under one operational manager. Both sections still have their own remit, however, the benefits of this combined service includes:

  • Co-ordinated enforcement and control of on and off street parking
  • Co-ordinated enforcement of all highway related issues
  • Co-ordination of activities on the highway network
  • Management and co-ordination of event affecting on street and off street activities
  • Co-ordination of third party works on the highway
  • Managing all licensed activities on and off street
  • More effective implementation of policies

Running CPE

Pembrokeshire currently employs 13 Civil Enforcement Officers, 2 Technical Clerks and 3 Parking Services Officers; they are all supported by the Streetcare and Parking Manager. They do not receive any performance related bonuses or incentives.  

Penalty charge notices are issued to vehicles that are parking in contravention of restrictions. If a motorist wishes to dispute a PCN they must follow the appeal process which is detailed on the rear of the PCN.

Having operated CPE since February 2011 the Parking Services staff has built up a comprehensive understanding of where and when indiscriminate parking occurs. However, when members of the public are experiencing particular parking problems they can report them to the office. 

The parking services team are also responsible for the management of all car parks, Pay and Display machines, financial matters, Resident Permits, Car Park Season and Reserved Tickets, Parking Dispensations and Car Park Licenses.  

The Back Office - Wales Penalty Processing Partnership (Wales PPP)

The Wales PPP back office continues to be used to process the issued PCN’s

There are quarterly meetings, an officers working group, with representatives from each Partner Authority to discuss operational consistency, shares best practice and strives for continual efficiency savings.

Enforcement Agents

The Council currently uses the services of four Enforcement Agents to recover debts, Excel, Proserve, Swift and A J Enforcement. All have considerable experience in this work and provide similar services to other Wales PPP councils as well as our SWWITCH partners Carmarthenshire County Council, City & County of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council.

Performance Delivery & Statistics

Statistical Performance

The tables below show statistics relating to PCN’s issued during the period 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019.

PCN’s - Progression of Cases

Progression of cases             
  PCN's issued              
Number of PCN’s issued on street 7504 52.89%
Number of PCN’s issued off street  6683 47.11%
Number of PCN’s paid at discount rate  8982 63.31%
Number of PCN’s paid after 14 days  2330 16.42%
Number of PCN’s not paid   825 5.81%
Number of PCN’s  cancelled (see table  6.5)  2050 14.46%
Total Number of PCN’s issued  14187  -


On Street Parking Contraventions

PCN's issued        


01 Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours 2318 16.34%
02 Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force  141 0.99%
12 Parked in a residents or shared use parking place without clearly displaying a permit issued for that place  1865  13.15%
14 Parked in an electric vehicles’ charging place during restricted hours without charging  0  0%
16 Parked in a permit space without displaying a valid permit  12  0.08%
21 Parked in a suspended bay or part of a bay  75  0.53%
23 Parked in a parking place not designated for that class of vehicle  360  2.54%
25 Parked in a loading place during restricted hours without loading  43  0.30%
26 Vehicle parked more than 50cms from edge of carriageway and not within designated parking place   9  0.06%
27 Parked adjacent to a dropped footway   339  2.39%
40 Parked in a designated disabled person parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled persons badge  496  3.50%
45 Parked on a taxi rank   70  0.49%
47 Stopped in a restricted bus stop  44  0.31%
48 Stopped in a restricted area outside a school  1  0.01%
49 Parked wholly or partly on a cycle track   1  0.01%
62 Parked with one or more wheels on part of the road other than between two carriageways   0  0.0%
63 Parked with engine running where prohibited  0  0.0%
99 Stopped on a pedestrian crossing or area marked by zigzags  22  0.16%
04 Parked in a meter bay when penalty time is indicated  0  0.0%
05 Parked after the expiry of paid for time 2 0.01%
06 Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay & display ticket or voucher 12 0.08%
24 Not parked correctly within the markings of a bay/space 16 0.11%
30 Parked for longer than permitted 1603 11.30%


Off Street Parking Contraventions

PCN's issued
74 Using a vehicle in a parking place in connection with the sale or offering or exposing for sale goods when prohibited 11 0.08%
80 Parking for longer than the maximum period permitted 49 0.35%
81 Parked in a restricted area in a car park 43 0.30%
82 Parked after the expiry of paid for time 1433 10.10%
83 Parked in a car park without clearly displaying a valid pay and display ticket or voucher or parking clock  4009  28.26%
85 Parked in a permit bay without displaying a valid permit   319  2.25%
86 Parked beyond the bay markings  468  3.30%
87 Parked in a disabled persons parking space without clearly displaying a valid disabled persons badge   303  2.14%
91 Parked in a car park not designated for that class of vehicle  70  0.49%
94 Parked in a pay and display car park without displaying two valid pay and display tickets when required 1 0.01%
95 Parked in a parking place for a purpose other than the designated purpose of the parking place. 10 0.07%


PCN’s Cancelled 

  • No. of PCN’s cancelled as a result of formal representations - Challenge accepted - PCN's issued: 1105 (7.78%)
  • Number of PCN’s cancelled for other reasons (e.g. owner untraceable, CEO error, DVLA unable to provide details)  - PCN's issued: 945 (6.68%)
  • Total cancelled: 2050 (14.46%)


  • Number of PCN issued: 14040 (2017-18)      14187 (2018-19)
  • Number of PCN’s on street: 7586 (2017-18)      7504 (2018-19)
  • Number of PCN’s off street: 6457 (2017-18)      6683 (2018-19)
  • Number of PCN’s cancelled as %: 16.22% (2017-18)       14.46% (2018-19)

Adjudications decisions made at Traffic Penalty Tribunal 

  • Total number: 10 (2017-18)      8 (2018-19)
  • Appeal dismissed: 6 (60%) (2017-18)      5 (62.5%) (2018-19)
  • Appeal accepted: 4 (40%) (2017-18)      3 (37.5%) (2018-19)

Financial Information

Financial account

Income and expenditure financial data governed by Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 is presented below:


Resident Parking Permits  (Includes Resident and Visitor) £44,089 £45,536
Parking Dispensations £5,719 £8,055
Penalty Charges £447,032 £427,588
Contributions others LAs £12,500 £12,500
Total Income £509,340 £493,679


Employee Costs £259,216 £271,253
Premises £44,196 £35,904
Goods & Services £18,700 £14,264
Support & Management £127,676 £145,497
Other Payments £58,494 £70,650
Capital Charges £0 £0
Total Expenditure £508,282 £552,590
(Surplus) / Deficit (-£1,058) £43,888


The financial information provided for this report does not include the off-street activity not governed by the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984.

Update on 2017/2018 Initiatives


A Parking working group will be set up, meeting every quarter, to review parking services operations. The working group will involve officers and elected County Councillors


The parking working group undertook a review of parking operations and a paper submitted to cabinet. Cabinet recommendation will fall into 2019/20 work stream 


Undertake identified remedial and improvement works in Haverfordwest Multi Storey car park


High-level maintenance was undertaken. Long term review of Haverfordwest multi storey in line with town regeneration programme going forward 


Roll out cashless payment options at Pay and Display machines


Decision made to roll our cashless payment from 2019. Decision to remove cash payment options by 31/03/2021


Progress with EV charging points in our car parks


Phase 1 completed 


Continue to develop the back office system for Parking Permits


Completed. New system now operational


Develop the Parking Asset Management plan by utilising the AMX software


AMX is continually been developed


Review staffing levels within parking services to ensure business continuity, develop asset management approach, continued develop of the service and ensure full cost recovery.




Continue collaborative working with Pembrokeshire Coast National Parks in relation to Enforcement and management of their parking places




Continue to review the Parking Services in line with our transformation programme


Cashless payment options agreed. 


Review potential additional concession in our car parks


Review undertaken, however, take up has been slow

Future Development & Initiatives

In 2019/20 a number of initiatives will be considered, either following on from last year’s activity and issues arising or new initiatives, as follows:

  •  Identify long term plan for Haverfordwest Multi Storey car park
  • Roll out cashless payment options at Pay and Display machines
  • Continue roll out of EV charging points in our car parks
  • Review mobile enforcement cameras
  • Continue to review full cost recovery for parking service
  • Review current pricing structure for Off Street Parking
  • Identify 3 – 5 year works programme for of street parking
  • Ensure all car park condition and asset data is captured and added to AMX system

Appendix 1: Resident and Shared Parking Schemes 

  • Broad Haven
  • Marine Road -west side
  • Dale
  • U6006 Dale Fort Road - east side
  • Fishguard
  • Wallis Street –east side
  • Coronation Avenue
  • Haverfordwest
  • Bush Row -east side
  • Albany Terrace - parking area
  • Cambrian Place - east Side
  • Cartlett -north side
  • Castle Town Area
  • North Street - west side
  • North Street -east side
  • Holloway -north side
  • Queens Square - central area
  • Crowhill -east side
  • Merlins Hill –north side
  • Hill Street
  • North Crescent - west side
  • Winch Crescent - south side
  • Milford Haven
  • Robert Street - north and south side
  • Neyland
  • Neyland Hill -south side
  • Pembroke
  • Woodbine Terrace - south side
  • Pembroke Dock
  • Apley Terrace - south side
  • Bush Street - north and south side
  • Church Street – west and east side
  • Gordon Street - west side
  • Gwyther Street -west and east side
  • Laws Street - west and east side
  • Lewis Street – west and east side
  • Pembroke Street - west and east side
  • Upper Laws Street - west and east side
  • Upper Meyrick Street - west and east side
  • Tenby
  • Augustus Place (serving Nos. 1-10) & (serving Nos. 11-18)
  • Clareston Road - west and south side
  • Culver Park –west and east side
  • Greenhill Avenue –west and east side
  • Weston Terrace -west side
  • Harding Street –north and south side
  • Harries Street -west side
  • Heywood Court -west side
  • Heywood Court - Nos. 74-85 north side Nos.48-64 south side
  • Lower Frog Street -east side
  • Park Place -north and south side
  • Edward Street -south east side
  • Park Terrace - south east side
  • Penally Road - east side
  • Picton Road - west and east side
  • Picton Terrace - west side
  • Queens Parade -west side
  • South Cliff Street -north side
  • St Florence Parade - east side
  • St Johns Hill -north side
  • St Julian’s Street -north west side
  • Sutton Street - east side
  • The Croft - east side
  • The Norton -east side
  • The Paragon - south side
  • Trafalgar Road - north west and south east side
  • Victoria Street - west and east side
  • Warren Street - south side

Shared Use Bay (Limited Waiting 1 hour, no return within 1 hour, Mon-Sat 8am-6pm / Permit holders)

  • Pembroke Dock
  • Meyrick Street -west side

Shared Use Bay (Limited Waiting 1 hour, no return within 1 hour 8am – 6pm / Permit holders)

  • Haverfordwest
  • Holloway - north side
  • North Street -east side
  • Queens Square -central area
  • St Davids
  • New Street –east side
ID: 8807, revised 20/04/2023