Parking in Pembrokeshire

Car Park Charges

How much does it cost to park?

The charges vary in each car park, there are different charges depending on whether the car park is short or long stay. 



Boat and trailers





Frequently asked questions

Car park charging policy


Charging Period
30 mins
1 hour
2 hour
4 hour
5 hour
24 hour

Broad Haven, Marine Road

1 51 Seasonal Long Stay  - £1.50 £3.00 £4.50 £6.00 £30.00
Dale, Seafront 3 129 Seasonal Long Stay  - £1.50 £3.00 £4.50  - £6.00 £30.00
Parc y Shwt, Fishguard 2 71 Annual Long Stay £1.00 £2.00  - £2.50 £3.00 £15.00
West Street, Fishguard 2 126 Seasonal Long Stay £1.00 £2.00 £2.50 - £3.00 £15.00
Parrog, Goodwick 3 145 Seasonal Long Stay £1.50 £3.00 £4.50 £6.00 £30.00
Station Hill, Goodwick 2 39 Seasonal Long Stay £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £3.00 £15.00
Bridgend Sq, Haverfordwest 1 46 Annual Short Stay £1.00 £2.00 £2.50  -
Castle Lake, Haverfordwest 2 163 Annual Long Stay  - £1.00 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £15.00
Multi Storey, Havefordwest 8 425 Annual Long Stay £0.50 £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £10.00
Perrots Road, Haverfordwest 2 158 Annual Short Stay £1.00 £2.00
Rifleman Field, Haverfordwest 2 148 Annual Long Stay £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £5.00
Scotchwell, Haverfordwest 1 136 Annual Long Stay £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £5.00
St Thomas Green, Haverfordwest 5 150 Annual Long Stay £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £2.50 £12.50
Narberth, Townsmoor 3 245 Annual Long Stay £1.00 £2.00  - £2.50 £3.00 £15.00
Newgale 3 222 Seasonal Long Stay £1.50 £3.00 £4.50 £6.00 £30.00
Newport, Long Street 1 68 Seasonal Long Stay £1.00 £1.50 £3.00 £6.00 £30.00
Lower Charles Street, Milford Haven 2 51 Annual Long Stay  - £1.00 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £15.00
Market Square, Milford Haven 1 16 Annual Long Stay £1.00 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £15.00
Robert Street, Milford Haven 1 82 Annual Long Stay £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £5.00
Long Entry, Pembroke 1 28 Annual Short Stay £1.00 £2.00 £2.50
South Quay, Pembroke 1 38 Annual Short Stay £1.00 £2.00 £2.50
Station Road, Pembroke 1 28 Annual Long Stay £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £5.00
The Commons, Pembroke 5 161 Seasonal Long Stay £1.50 £2.50  - £4.00 £6.00 £30.00
The Parade, Pembroke 2 90 Annual Long Stay £1.00 £2.00 £2.50 £3.00 £15.00
Gordon Street, Pembroke Dock 3 252 Annual Long Stay £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £2.50 £12.50
Lower Meyrick Street, Pembroke Dock 1 30 Annual Short Stay £1.00 £2.00 £2.50  -
Merrivale, St Davids 2 79 Seasonal Long Stay £1.50 £3.00 £4.50 £6.00 £30.00
Quickwell Hill, St Davids 1 79 Seasonal Long Stay £1.50 £3.00 £4.50  - £6.00 £30.00
St Dogmaels,High Street 4 76 Seasonal Long Stay £1.00 £2.00 £2.50 £5.00 £25.00
Harbour, Tenby 1 21 Permit Long Stay £0.60 £1.00 £3.00  -
Multi story, Tenby 10 712 Summer Long Stay - £1.00 £2.00 £4.50 - - £6.00 £30.00

Multi story, Tenby

10 712 Winter Long Stay - £1.00 £2.00 £2.50 - - £3.00 £15.00
North Beach, Tenby 2 326 Annual Long Stay £1.00 £2.00 £4.00 £5.00 £25.00
Salterns, Tenby 3 355 Seasonal Long Stay  -  - £5.00 £7.00 £35.00
South Beach, Tenby 2 102 Seasonal Long Stay £1.50 £3.00 £4.50 £6.00 £30.00
The Croft, Tenby 1 26 Permit Permits  -
The Green, Tenby 3 130 Seasonal Long Stay £1.00 £2.00 £4.00 £5.00 £25.00


  4 hour        
Dale, seafront £6.50 £10.00
West St, Fishguard £5.00 £8.00
The Parrog, Goodwick £6.50 £10.00
Riflemans Field, Haverfordwest £4.00 £5.00
Townsmoor, Narberth £5.00 £8.00
Newgale £6.50 £10.00
The Commons, Pembroke £5.00 £8.00
High St, St Dogmaels £6.00 £10.00
North Beach, Tenby £4.00 £8.00
Salterns, Tenby £6.00 £8.00
The Green, Tenby £6.00 £8.00


Boat and trailers

Parrog. Goodwick £4.00



4 hour 
Rifleman Field, Haverfordwest £6.00 £8.00 -
The Commons, Pembroke £5.00 £8.00 £40.00
North beach, Tenby £6.00 £10.00 £50.00
Salterns £6.00 £8.00 £56.00



Parc y Shwt, Fishguard £436.80
West Street, Fishguard £436.80
Station Hill, Goodwick £436.80
Castle Lake, Haverfordwest £436.80
Multi Story, Haverfordwest £436.80
Perrots Rd, Haverfordwest £200.00
Riflemans Field, Haverfordwest £218.40
Scotchwell, Haverfordwest £218.40
St Thomas Green, Haverfordwest £436.80
Townsmoor, Narberth £436.80
Long Street. Newport £540.00
Lower Charles Street, Milford Haven £436.80
Robert St, Milford Haven £436.80
Market Square, Milford Haven £436.80
The Commons, Pembroke £540.00
High St, St Dogmaels £540.00
Harbour, Tenby £40.00
Multi story, Tenby £540.00
North beach, Tenby £540.00
Croft, Tenby £540.00
Green, Tenby £540.00


Station Hill, Goodwick £29.33
Riflemans Field, Haverfordwest £44.00
St Thomas Green, Haverfordwest £44.00
Station Road, Pembroke £44.00
High Street, St Dogmaels £29.33



High Street. St Dogmaels £20.00


Frequently asked questions

Are there any free car parks?

There are a variety of car parks provided by the council some are chargeable others are free.

What is the charging period?

The normal charging period is from 9.00am to 7.00pm

Can I purchase a season ticket for the car parks?

Season tickets maybe purchased for all long-stay car parks, please contact the Parking section on 01437 764551 or e-mail

Why does the Council operate a Pay and Display system?

The Council has found that this system is the most economical method of controlling the parking provision in its chargeable car parks.

Why do I have to pay for parking?

In addition to raising income to pay for the maintenance of existing, and the provision of new car parks, charges also help to ensure that there is an adequate turnover of parking spaces during the day, which are then available for shoppers and short term visitors. If the Council did not charge the users of the parking facilities, the cost of the maintenance would fall on the Council Taxpayers and visitors using the facilities would make no contribution. Shoppers and short term visitors would also find a shortage of available space particularly in places where a lot of travel to work parking occurs.

Why don't you pay for the car parks maintenance with savings you would make if you no longer needed to employ patrol staff?

Even if parking was free, patrolling would still be required for a number of reasons. In order to provide a regular supply of convenient parking spaces for shoppers during the day, a maximum period of waiting would need to be introduced, and this, together with the disabled persons parking and other regulations would still need to be enforced. Also the patrol staff acts as a deterrent to crime, and identify areas in need of maintenance.

Why can't I pay on exit?

The Council has considered other charging systems. Pay on exit systems involve a barrier at the entrance and exit to the car park which can cause considerable delays, congestion and pollution, particularly if the equipment fails. Barriers can also cause great inconvenience to disabled drivers. For these reasons the Pay and Display system has been considered to be the most suitable for the Council car parks.

Why don't you provide change machines?

Unfortunately, change machines would be an inviting target for theft. The very nature of the machines requires that they be full of cash at all times. Ticket machines, on the other hand, are emptied on a daily basis, ensuring no cash is left in them overnight.

Why don't I get a refund if I pay for half an hour and only stay for five minutes?

The charging structure is such that any stay between the cost increments is the same charge. Therefore the fee for five minutes is the same as that for 30 minutes, and for 1 hour 5 minutes is the same for 2 hours. The Council believes that its fees are competitive by comparison with other neighbouring town centres with similar shopping facilities.

Why can't I pick someone up and drop someone off in the car parks?

You can, but you must ensure that you comply with the parking regulations by stopping in a marked bay and purchasing a parking ticket.The car parks are provided for the off street parking of vehicles. If casual setting down/picking up were to be allowed, congestion problems would be created, causing delays and frustration to car park users.

Car park charging policy


Key Principles

Charging Period

Concession for long stays

Integrated impact assessment

Disabled parking

Car park orders


This policy sets out the mechanism and rationale for the application of parking charges by Pembrokeshire County Council. The policy will set out what charges will apply, if any, and the appropriate length of stay at each location. This is an updated policy, original policy approved by Council 31st October 2002, following implementation of Civil Parking Enforcement

Key Principles

Charges for car parking need to take account of the following principles. These principles need to be applied consistently, which will result in different charges from place to place, whilst ensuring that charges do not favour one area in relation to another:

  • The need to encourage retail trade;
  • The need to manage traffic, including on-street parking and traffic flows;
  • The need to manage demand effectively;
  • The nature of parking location and its users, i.e. urban shopper/business, residential, rural town shopper, beach/visitor;
  • Comparison with other providers in the locality;
  • The need to encourage the use of more sustainable forms of transport, including public transport;
  • Charges are not set purely in order to derive income;
  • Have regard to the overall revenue budget provision (expenditure and income) for car parks; 
  • A presumption in favour of improvements being funded by increased tariff

Car parking charges should be set in order to maximise their potentially beneficial effect of encouraging local shopping. To ensure that this policy objective is met, carparking charges must be considered on a town by town basis, and take account of the fragility of the local economy.

Traffic Management and On-street Parking

Charges for car parking can influence the choice of motorists to seek a free space elsewhere before accepting the need to pay to park, and which parking place they will use where there is a choice. Varying tariffs can influence which location will be selected. The desire to park on street leads to traffic touring streets seeking spaces. Illegal parking on yellow lines occurs locally; however, with Civil Enforcement Powers we now have enforcement powers to tackle this issue. Charging for on street parking, and better enforcement, will influence the choice of parking locations. Where on-street charges are introduced, the tariffs will take account of the availability of off-street parking and the desirability of reducing on-street parking to improve traffic management.

We now operate 57 on street resident parking schemes across the county. These parking schemes have been very successful with positive uptake. Schemes can now be progressed where desired by residents. There are a number of options that can be considered to assist traffic management and the enforcement of on-street parking.

These include:

  • Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) We have been running CPE since February 2011. CPE has given the authority the powers to manage on street and off street parking offences.
  • Controlled Parking Zones Controlled Parking Zones can be introduced on an area-by-area basis, with the definition of control for each controlled parking zone being defined in a traffic order. The enforcement for these controlled parking zones can be carried out by the Local Authority under CPE
  • On-Street Charges It is considered appropriate to relate car parking zones as much to on-street areas as to off-street car parks. Where charging is to be applied on-street, then the charge should be at least as much as the off-street parking for that car parking zone. Where charging is not to be applied on-street, then a period of limited waiting should be applied to reflect the car parking zone, and that the maximum stay should be less than off-street parking relative to that car parking zone. In any case, on-street parking should be limited to no more than 1 hour in all Zone A areas. 
  • Residents Parking Where suggested by residents, residents parking schemes can be introduced whereby parking can be restricted to selected bays on-street through the purchase of an annual permit, although the permit does not guarantee the use of a specific space. 
  • Reviewing traffic orders There is a need to continually review current traffic orders to ensure they meet demands on traffic flow and parking requirements.
Demand Management

Car parking charges should be set to encourage shoppers (who have a need to carry goods), who are likely to require short-stay spaces. Where car parking is subject to high demand and/or limited capacity, then parking periods and tariffs should be carefully set to optimise turnover. Longer stay users will generally be required to park further from town centres where short stay demand is high.

Parking Zones

In broad terms the nature of car parking locations will determine the relative charges (if any) that should apply. Through this policy car parking locations will be assigned to one of the following zones as a first step to determining the most appropriate charges to apply: 

Zone: A
  • Description: Central shopping and other short stay uses (heavy demand,high turnover). Maximum stay of 2 hours.
  • On street: Ground floor multistorey (Tenby/Haverfordwest) . Perrots Road, Haverfordwest. Castle Lake Haverfordwest (short stay area).
  • Off street: High St, Haverfordwest. Charles St, Milford Haven.
Zone: B
  • Description: Mixed use, medium to long stay with some overspill short stays (heavy demand). Stays from 2 hours to daily to include a 4hr tariff.
  • On street: Upper floors multistorey (Tenby/Haverfordwest) . Castle Lake, Haverfordwest (long stay area).
  • Off street: Esplanade, Tenby. Perrots Road, Haverfordwest.
Zone: C
  • Description: Longer stay, edge of town. Stays from 4 hours to daily. Also include 5 hours stays
  • On street: Townsmoor, Narberth The Commons, Pembroke. To Assist with Flexible working patterns
  • Off street: The Croft, Tenby.
Zone: D
  • Description: Rural beach/out of town. Stays from 2 hours to daily.
  • On street: Newgale
  • Off street: St. Justinians, St. Davids.

 It is proposed that all public car parking locations are assigned to one of these zones. Other factors are then examined, including fragility of economy, traffic management, demand for spaces, and comparison with other local providers in order to arrive at the charges to be applied at each location. The car park charges will be reviewed in accordance with this policy. The Pay and Display Machines do not give change therefore refunds will not be paid for “overpayment” of stay duration

Comparison with other providers

Charges should take into account other providers in the locality and other similar local authorities. Local comparisons are needed to maintain our position in the market place and to ensure traffic management objectives are met. Charges need to take some account of charges made by other similar local authorities to ensure we are not discouraging visitors from making a trip or return visit to Pembrokeshire. Discussions with the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority will explore the potential for them to apply this car parking policy to their own car parks, to provide a consistent approach to users of car parks in the County. 


Parking charges can influence local traffic movements, which in turn can have a positive influence on the local environment. The effect that parking charges can have on the wider issue of mode of transport choice, e.g. transfer on to public transport, is of more limited effect. Raising charges to dissuade travel by private car is unlikely to have the desired effect without combining it with other initiatives.

Income Generation

Parking charges will not be set purely in order to generate income. The Council uses the income from parking charges to maintain service provision to a quality standard. Where appropriate the Council will deliver visible improvements to the quality of parking areas and their environment. There is a need for parking areas to be well maintained, with good lighting and high visibility, to provide a safe and secure environment for motorists and their vehicles. Income from parking charges enables regular policing by Civil Enforcement Officers, and helps to reduce car crime and vandalism, giving added confidence, especially to vulnerable users. 

Charging Period

The time period to which charges will apply will be standardised across the County. There may be seasonal variations to the charge periods to accommodate demand; the charge period will be applied on every day of the week. This will enable free parking outside of these times; allowing better use of the facilities during periods when parking pressure is reduced. There is a 24 hour charge period which assists with the tourism industry, this give flexibility for people staying in local accommodation.

Concessions for Long-stays

Where customers are likely to make regular use of longer stay car parks, concessions will be available, as appropriate, by offering weekly or specific permits. The range of long-stay tariffs on offer at each location will depend largely on what the location is utilised for, taking into account any conditions included in leasing arrangements where they apply. Where offered, reserved bay tickets should be monitored carefully to ensure the wider availability of spaces.

Weekly tickets

Weekly tickets will be provided at all long stay car parks to encourage visitors to make use of them for the duration of their stay. Weekly tickets do not guarantee a parking place. The weekly rate will be offered at a discount of the daily rate, purchase 5 days daily rate to cover 7 days stay. This rate may be varied dependant on car park usage. These are non transferable.

Y Penfro – County All Year Permit (Long Stay Car Parks)

An annual permit purchased in advance. A Permit that allows parking across any long stay car park all year, proposed fee of £240.00 for 12 months, a generic permit not vehicle specific. This permit will be sold for minimum periods of 3 months.

The Puffin – County All Year Permit, specific car park

An annual permit purchased in advance. A permit will be issued to park in a specific car park, generic permit not vehicle specific. An annual fee of £180.00 for annual car parks An Annual fee of £125.00 for seasonal car parks This permit will be sold for minimum periods of 3 months.

Reserved Bay Permits

An annual permit purchased in advance. A reserved bay permit will assist the longterm user who wishes to have a space permanently available. This permit will be sold for minimum periods of 3 months. The fee will be calculated as follows - (6 x the daily rate x 52 weeks) – 30% discount. Maximum fee will be capped at £540.00 They will be provided in long-term car parks subject to a sufficient number of parking spaces being available. A maximum of 10% will be allocated against the overall parking spaces in the specific car park There may be exceptional circumstances where reserved bays may be made available at an appropriate charge in short stay car parks. This could be where there is a need to restrain entry to traffic in certain areas, e.g. where pedestrian zones are created. These tickets are non-transferable between car parks, each ticket will specify the car park

Coastal Permit

An annual permit purchased in advance . A seasonal permit for coastal car parks. The specific car parks are identified in the car park order. This permit is transferable between the identified car parks. It will alleviate the necessity for users to repeatedly purchase a daily ticket. The fee will be set at £120.00 Permit for specific car parks, namely - (South Beach, Tenby; Marine Road, Broadhaven, Newgale Upper and Lower, Quickwell Hill and, Merrivale, St David’s; Dale, The Parrog, Goodwick)

Parking Permit Passport

A weekly permit, purchased in advance. This will be a transferable permit, which will allow parking in Council car parks, with some short stay car parks excluded. This is a flexible permit, which will allow the purchaser the flexibility to purchase a single permit for multiple car parks, predominately for visitors. The fee will be set at £35.00

Resident Car Parking Permit

An annual permit purchased in advance to allow residents to park in specified car parks. The specified car parks are listed in the car park order. The qualifying car parks will be listed where it is deemed that there is a demand for resident parking facility within our car parks i.e due to lack of private off street or on street parking. Eligibility to apply for a resident permit will depend on the following – Applicant will be a resident in specific street or property listed against each specified car park Applicant residency does not have off street parking available Applicant does not have on street parking available within close proximity of residency Only one permit will be issued per property The Permit will not be vehicle specific it will be issued with reference to the specific residency Although this ticket will not guarantee a parking place, it will alleviate the necessity for users to repeatedly purchase a daily ticket.


There will be occasion when events will apply for consent to use the car parks. Applications will be considered in relation to parking impact. The fee may be waivered for charity events.

Pop and Shop Bays Free 30min Parking

This allows a motorist to park for 30min free in an allocated bay. The number of bays will be 6% of the total car park bays for the specified car par, up to a maximum of 6 bays per car park. 1 of these bays will be for Blue Badge holder (Blue Badge bay will be 1 hour free parking to allow more time for the Blue Badge holder). 

Integrated Impact Assessment

The Authority has developed a tool to assess the impact of proposed strategies and policies on equality and diversity issues, sustainable development, the Welsh language and health and well being. The tool will be applied to all strategic policy and practice decisions.

Disabled Parking

In order to minimise abuse ‘blue badge’ holders will be subject to the same charge as other users, both within designated disabled bays and other bays at each location. When the ‘blue badge’ is clearly displayed an additional hour stay will be allowed. Each location will provide an adequate number of disabled bays, and parking meters will be made accessible to wheelchair users.

Car Park Order

The Car Park Order sets out regulations for all Council run car parks that are publicly accessible, regardless of whether a charge is applied or not. The Order states the conditions of use for a car park, the level of the Penalty Charge Notice and when they may be applied.



ID: 2756, revised 27/01/2025