Parking in Pembrokeshire

Haverfordwest Public Transport Interchange

Our temporary car park is open to give easy access to the town.

Entrance and exit will be from Cartlett Road as previously for the former multi-storey. Map: What 3 words (opens in a new tab)

Please note this will be a cashless car park and payment will be by the PayByPhone app only

For more info: Parking with PaybyPhone 

The nearest alternative car parking in Haverfordwest is available at:

The bus station has been moved to what was the Bridgend Square car park to ensure that bus services can continue throughout the demolition and rebuild phase.

More information on car parking in Haverfordwest is available at: Haverfordwest car parks 


A modern public transport interchange is being planned for Haverfordwest, as part of our commitment to enhancing the town and enabling people to access the centre much more easily.

The scheme forms part of the South West Wales Metro project and will provide a modern and innovative transport hub, integrating all transport modes.

Designs include improvements to pedestrian and cycle facilities through the site, a more efficient and integrated bus station, and construction of a new modern multi-storey.

We have a team of consultants designing the improved facility which would be on the site of the existing bus station and multi-storey car park.

A website has been launched providing documents and drawings, including 3D renders of the proposed design: Haverfordwest Public Transport Interchange  

Enabling works to begin as part of Haverfordwest Public Transport Interchange Project

Frequently asked questions

What is the project?

The project is to create a new Public Transport Interchange (PTI) on the site of the current multi-storey car park at Cartlett Road in Haverfordwest. 

The scheme compliments the wider regeneration work to revitalise Haverfordwest town centre. 

This includes: the opening of the new Library in December 2018; the Council purchased the Riverside Shopping Centre in 2021 with the aim of having greater control to secure the delivery of other mixed use development, including residential, office, commercial and community uses; the development of the Western Quayside to create a vibrant, attractive environment on the quayside with plenty of space for pedestrians, a quality retail offering and opportunities for businesses to invest; and the recent “Levelling Up” funding anounced of improvements at Haverfordwest Castle to create an outdoor performance area, renovation of the jail, and perimeter walks with a direct link to the town centre via Bridge Street, and on to the Western Quayside and Riverside via a “signature bridge.”

What is a Public Transport Interchange?

It is a location where facilities are provided for different types of public transport services for the smooth transition of passengers between those services. In this case this involves cars, buses, taxis and active travel such as walking and cycling.

What does the project involve?

It involves the demolition of the existing multi-storey car park and bus station and the creation of a much improved facility and surrounding environment.

The bus station will be integrated within the PTI with seven bus bays and upgraded passenger facilities including public toilets and a Changing Places facility.

The new multi-storey will have circa 320 spaces and be much easier to use and manoeuvre around for drivers.

Green credentials are also important with electric vehicle charging points included – with further vehicle charging expansion built-in and future-proofed - and solar panels installed on the new car park roof.

An upgraded public realm will further improve the environment around the Interchange and promoting Active Travel such as walking and cycling.

The project also involves improving car parking provision and local bus access at Haverfordwest railway station.

Why do we need this?

The existing multi-storey car park is in a poor state of repair and is an unwelcoming space at the heart of the County Town. It is also difficult to negotiate for larger, modern vehicles so is often under-utilised.

The new PTI will create a a seamless journey and a clear transition for passengers using the transport facilities, encouraging people to alight and explore the town centre.

This development is a significant opportunity to provide a modern facility, sensitively designed in a gateway location.

This links with the Council’s wider regeneration projects for Haverfordwest.

Couldn’t that money be better used elsewhere?

The design of the project is being funded from Welsh Government’s Local Transport Fund and the scheme forms part of the Swansea Bay & West Wales Metro project. The scheme also compliments the wider regeneration work to revitalise Haverfordwest town centre.

If this money was not used on this project it would not be available to the Council.

When does work begin and how long is it likely to last?

Some works have started on site to create a temporary bus stop on what was previously the Bridgend Square car park.

This is to ensure bus services can continue throughout the build. 

Demolition of the existing multi-storey is currently planned for June, subject to the necessary consents.

The entire demolition and rebuild phase is likely to take around 18 months to two years.

Will there be a lot of disruption?

The aim is to keep disruption to an absolute minimum but we acknowledge there will be times when some disruption is inevitable. 

We will continue to communicate throughout the demolition and build phases to ensure members of the public are well-informed and able to plan ahead. 

Where will I park when the existing multi-storey is closed and demolished?

You can find the locations of other car parks in Haverfordwest here: Haverfordwest car parks 

The Council will be continually monitoring parking issues throughout the demolition and build phase.

ID: 8579, revised 10/11/2023