Parking in Pembrokeshire

Motor Cycles

Specific motor cycle spaces can be found at:

  • the Multi Storey car park in Tenby
  • St Thomas Green, Haverfordwest
  • Merrivale, St Davids.

Motor cycles may park free in all our car parks but must conform to the general terms and conditions.

Terms & conditions of use in car parks

Motorists must not

  • Park without displaying a valid permit / ticket. 
  • Park other than wholly within a parking bay. 
  • Park in a set aside or reserved bay, without displaying a valid permit. 
  • Use any part of the car park for sleeping, camping, or cooking.
  • Carry out any activity in this parking place in connection with the offering for sale or hire of any article or service to persons in or near the car park. 
  • Make a loud noise so as to disturb or annoy residents or users of the parking place.

A Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) may be issued for non compliance of the terms and conditions.


ID: 275, revised 22/09/2022