Parking in Pembrokeshire

Disabled Persons Parking Places (DPPPs)

A Disabled Resident Parking Bay (previously known as a Disabled Persons Parking Place or DPPP) can help a disabled person to maintain their mobility and independence.

Applications for the 2024-2025 financial year will open on Monday 15th January and close on Friday 5th April.

Please be aware before you make your application that a maximum of 10 spaces will be allocated during the year. 

Once you apply, the application process can take a minimum of six months. There will be a £20 charge for a successful permit and you will only need to pay this when you are told your application is approved.

Eligibility criteria

In order to help those most in need of the provision of a bay, applications will only be considered if:

  • The applicant has a Blue Badge that is valid for three years from the date of issue
  • The applicant owns and drives/is driven in a vehicle that is registered at the address of the proposed location of the disabled bay.
  • The applicant does not already have access to a useable garage or a driveway.
  • The applicant does not already have access to off-street parking or be able to provide an off-street parking space by clearing an existing drive/hard standing.

 Meeting this criteria does not guarantee that a DPPP will be provided; only that the application will be assessed for suitability. Please do not provide any additional evidence unless asked to do so.

 DPPPs are not issued for visitors, health professionals or carers who do not live with the disabled applicant.

 The Council will not consider a DPPP provision in the following locations:

  • In the turning head facility of any cul-de-sac.
  • In any location where an existing prohibition or restriction of parking (inclusive of permit parking), of waiting or loading is in place or is being considered by the Council.
  • Within 10 metres of a road junction.
  • At locations where there is a history of visibility related collisions.
  • In a position that may prevent the passing of normal traffic flows.
  • In a position where a parked vehicle will be unsighted to travelling vehicles such as on a bend.
  • On un-adopted highway or private land.
  • Other areas where highway safety is compromised

Applicants who appear to meet the eligibility criteria may need to supply the following supporting evidence:

  • A copy of the applicant’s driving licence. If the application is on behalf of a child, the parent/guardian’s licence details should be given.
  • A copy of the V5 documentation or Motability Scheme lease agreement as proof that the vehicle is registered to the address of the applicant.
  • A copy of the MOT certificate (if the vehicle has one) – you won’t need this if the vehicle is less than three years old
  • A copy of your car insurance
  • Proof of residency (something with the name and address of the property you will be applying for, less than three months old)

An applicant may also be asked to provide supporting medical evidence from a consultant, physiotherapist or specialist nurse. This should confirm the applicant’s disability and how it affects their ability to walk any distance. If necessary, staff will also utilise other Council held information to help determine eligibility.

Disabled Persons Parking Place- Application Form


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the scheme?

The Council often receives requests for the provision of an on-street Blue Badge parking space outside or near their home. There are more than 10,000 blue badges in circulation at present in Pembrokeshire, but there is no statutory obligation for the Council to provide DPPPs, making the provision a discretionary service. Many local authorities in Wales provide spaces either for all Blue Badge holders or individualised bays for an applicant. A working group in Pembrokeshire decided to offer personalised bays and this trial is to ensure that the service is beneficial and supplied in an equal and fair manner.

How long do I have to apply?

The applications process will start on Monday 15th January and close on Friday 5th April. No new applications will be considered after this date.

How many spaces will be installed?

Ten places will be available. More places may be considered in the coming years and applicants who meet the criteria will go onto the waiting list if they are not successful this year.

How many permits can I receive?

One permit will be issued to a qualifying property, to your specific vehicle. 

What happens if I lose my permit?

Replacement permits cost £13.

How will a DPPP be enforced?

Disabled Persons Parking Places provided by Pembrokeshire County Council are supported by a TRO (Traffic Regulation Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) which is enforceable by law. This means that the Council can take action against any person parking in the disabled bay who is not correctly displaying the correct permit.

Is there a charge for the permit to show who can park in an allocated space?

Yes. A charge of £20 per year for the permit helps cover essential administration costs in respect of issuing the permit. The issuing of the permit on an annual basis ensures the permit and the bay it is associated with remains valid.

What happens if a resident moves out of the property?

The applicant should inform the Council that a bay is no longer required. Reminder letters or emails will be sent out to request the annual renewal fee. If no contact can be established, it is possible that the bay will be offered to a neighbouring property (if the criteria is met) or the bay will be removed. The Council will bear the cost of introducing the legal order, installing the bay and removing once no longer required.

Why are applications being reopened if you have a waiting list?

The staff overseeing the scheme felt that their needed to be another opportunity for people to apply. Some people found out about the previous application period several weeks or months after it closed. There may be people who did not previously meet the criteria who can now apply and there may be previous applicants who have applied and their condition has changed.

If I have applied before and been placed on a waiting list, do I need to reapply?

You do not need to reapply unless there have been changes to your disability or long-term health condition.

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ID: 8803, revised 18/01/2024