Adopted Local Development Plan

Good Practice Advice Notes

In addition to Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG), Pembrokeshire County Council has also produced a number of good practice advice notes, listed below, some of which are available online.


Local Development Plan policy GN.1 (General Development Policy), criterion 7, Advisory Note - Safeguarding for planning purposes , December 2014

The advisory note on Safeguarding for Planning Purposes elaborates on one aspect of LDP policy GN.1 (General Development Policy). Criterion 7 of GN.1 requires that development does not cause or result in unacceptable harm to health and safety. Where a safeguarding zone exists and development is proposed within it, advice will be sought from the appropriate safeguarding body. This advisory note provides further information on safeguarding for planning purposes, including sources of further information.


Local Development Plan policy GN.8 - Protection of employment sites and buildings

This Development Management Policy Note supports Local Development Plan (LDP) policy GN.8 on the Protection of Employment Sites and Buildings.  It provides guidance to Development Management Officers on criterion 3 of the policy, and paragraph 6.46 of the Reasoned Justification to that policy, specifically focusing on site marketing requirements where a change of use away from employment (Use Classes B1, B2 or B8) is being proposed.

This Policy Note may also be of interest to those proposing to re-develop or use business, general industrial, storage or distribution sites or buildings for other purposes.  It has therefore been made available on the planning pages of the Council's web-site.


Local Development Plan policy GN.22 Prior extraction of the mineral resource

Prior extraction refers to the removal of economic mineral resources that are found at or close to the ground surface from development sites, prior to the commencement of construction work.  It prevents the unnecessary sterilisation of mineral resources, but there are certain circumstances in which it will not be appropriate.

This good practice guidance note has been prepared for Development Management officers and indicates how the key issues relating to prior extraction of minerals should be dealt with during the evaluation of planning applications.

Anticipating that the guidance note may also be of interest to those proposing development, it has been made available on the planning pages of the Council's web-site. 


Cumulative Impact of Wind Turbines on Landscape and Visual Amenity guidance

This Guidance on Cumulative Impact of Wind Turbines on Landscape and Visual Amenity: Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire provides interim good practice guidance for applicants, developers, consultees and Council officers in the Pembrokeshire County Council planning area.


Pembrokeshire Good Practice Guidance:Slurry Stores

This guidance has been produced with the support of ADAS, Countryside Council for Wales, Farmers Union of Wales, National Farmers Union, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority and Pembrokeshire County Council with particular thanks to Mr Chris James and Mr David James.


Listed Buildings: Advice to Property Owners

Pointing with Lime Mortars

This guidance provides practical information on the use of soft, permeable lime mortars based on lime putty, which are ideal for repairing and repointing the mortar joints of old masonry walls. It does not deal with the use of mortars containing hydraulic lime or lime putty gauged with cement, both of which provide significantly harder and generally less permeable mortars.

It is essential reading for building owners, building contractors and others who are responsible for the care of an old building but do not specialise in the field. 


Interim Advisory Note on Development in Town Centres

This interim advisory note provides guidance on the application of planning policy and material considerations when determining planning applications in town centres. 

ID: 2488, revised 20/04/2023