Adopted Local Development Plan

Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment

The Local Development Plan has undergone statutory Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment.  This ensured that social, environmental and economic elements of sustainable development were integrated into the plan from the outset. 

The evidence papers are available on request bilingually. Please email 

What stage are we at now?

Pembrokeshire County Council adopted the Local Development Plan on 28th February 2013.  There have been additional Matters Arising Changes which have been assessed.  The documents below should be read in conjunction with the Pembrokeshire County Council Local Development Plan: Adoption - 2021

  • SA (incorporating SEA) Statement
  • SA Screening of Inspector’s Binding Recommendations and Additional MACs
  • SA Screening of Matters Arising Changes
  • Sustainability Appraisal of Matters Arising Changes
  • Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Report - Deposit Plan Incorporating Post Deposit Changes
  • SA Report - Deposit Plan Incorporating Post Deposit Changes (Appendices)  

Completed stages in the SA process

Pembrokeshire County Council submitted proposals for the Local Development Plan to the National Assembly for Wales in accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005 (Regulation 22). The LDP Deposit Plan including proposed focussed changes was subject to Sustainability Appraisal, incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment. The Plan was tested against SA objectives to ensure that it contributes towards sustainable development. The submission documents include the final Sustainability Appraisal Report (Deposit Plan incorporating Post Deposit Changes) which is available below.

  • Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Report - Deposit Plan Incorporating Post Deposit Changes
  • SA Report - Deposit Plan Incorporating Post Deposit Changes (Appendices)

A small number of changes were identified from the screening assessment as requiring further assessment against the Sustainability Objectives. The assessment document is available here:

  • Sustainability Appraisal of Matters Arising Changes

In accordance with legislation, the statutory consultees (Countryside Council for Wales, Environment Agency and Cadw) were notified that the SEA is taking place and the decision recorded.

  • SA/SEA Screening Report

The first stage of the SA process was to produce a Scoping Report.  The report includes a review of baseline information and other plans and programmes considered relevant to inform the emerging LDP.  The SA Scoping Report also included sustainability objectives which were used to test the LDP as it progressed.

The SA Scoping Report was consulted on with the three statutory consultees (Countryside Council for Wales, Environment Agency, and Cadw) for a period of five weeks (consultation closed 5 September 2008).  Other specific consultees were also consulted.  The final agreed SA Scoping Report is available for information.  The report was amended to take into account the consultation responses. The consultation report is also provided.

  • SA Scoping Report 
  • Technical Appendix 1 
  • Technical Appendix 2a
  • Consultation Report

The Preferred Strategy underwent Sustainability Appraisal, which incorporated Strategic Environmental Assessment.  The Preferred Strategy was tested against SA Objectives to ensure that it contributes towards sustainable development.  The Initial SA Report was subject to consultation with the Preferred Strategy.

  • Initial SA Report - Preferred Strategy (2009)

The LDP Deposit Plan has undergone Sustainability Appraisal, which incorporates Strategic Environmental Assessment.  The Deposit Plan has been tested against SA Objectives to ensure that it contributes towards sustainable development.  The report was available for public consultation from 26 January 2011 to 5.00 p.m. on 9 March 2011). The report was amended to take into account the consultation responses. The consultation report is also provided.

  • SA Report Non-Technical Summary 
  • SA Report 
  • SA Report Appendix 1 
  • SA Report Appendix 2 
  • SA Report Appendix 3 
  • SA Report Appendix 4 
  • SA Report Appendix 5 
  • SA Report Appendix 6 
  • SA Report Appendix 7 
  • SA Report Appendix 8 
  • SA Report Appendix 9 
  • SA Report Appendix 10
  • SA Consultation Report - Deposit Plan (2011)
ID: 2493, revised 20/04/2023