Adopted Local Development Plan

LDP Supplementary Planning Guidance

SPG for Consultation 

Pembrokeshire County Council Local Development Plan Landscape Character Assessment Supplementary Planning Guidance Consultation: 22nd February – 26th May 2023

This second draft Landscape Character Assessment forms part of the evidence base for LDP2. It is also being consulted on as draft Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Local Development Plan (adopted 2013).

A previous version of the draft Landscape Character Assessment was consulted on in July 2019 The document has been updated to reflect the latest national planning policy in Future Wales - The National Plan 2040 (Welsh Government), and the latest landscape guidance and good practice.

The consultation is running for 3 months and will close at 4.30pm on 26th May 2023.

Comments should be returned in writing to the LDP Team:


Post: Pembrokeshire County Council,
County Hall,
SA61 1TP.

All comments received in relation to this item of draft Supplementary Planning Guidance will be acknowledged, made public and reported to Pembrokeshire County Council's Cabinet. All those who comment will be advised of the outcome of those meetings. 


Supplementary Planning Guidance Representation Form (opens in a new tab) 

Local Development Plans (LDPs) contain policies and proposals that provide a basis for decision-making on planning applications and for framing conditions on consented applications. The Council's LDP was adopted on 28th February 2013.

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) sets out more detailed guidance on the way in which policies of the LDP will be applied in particular circumstances or areas.

SPG does not form a part of the Council's LDP, but it is consistent with its provisions and is cross-referenced to appropriate policies and / or proposals of the LDP.

Only LDP policies and proposals have special status (primacy) in decision-making on planning applications. However, once adopted, SPG may be taken into account as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.


Adopted SPG

The Council has adopted the following items of SPG to support its LDP, following public consultation and consideration by Cabinet: 

Cumulative Impact of Wind Turbines on Landscape and Visual Amenity. Adoption: 7 November 2022

Cumulative Impact of Wind Turbines on Landscape and Visual Amenity (opens in a new tab).

Biodiversity approved May 2021 

Biodiversity SPG

Biodiversity - Consultation report

Historic Environment (Archaeology) approved May 2021

Historic Environment (Archaeology) SPG

Historic Environment (Archaeology) – Consultation Report

Development Sites

 Development Sites - Updated version, December 2016

 Consultation Report (August 2013)

Renewable Energy- approved on 31st October 2016 and came into force on 31st October 2016 

Renewable Energy SPG

Renewable Energy - Consultation Report

Planning Obligations - approved 12th September 2016 and came into force 16th September 2016

Planning Obligations

Consultation Report 

Affordable Housing- approved on 14th September 2015 and came into force on 14th September 2015 

Affordable Housing

Unilateral Undertaking

Unilateral Undertaking - Notes

Certificate of Title for Unilateral Planning Agreement

Certificate of Title for Unilateral Planning Agreement

Consultation Report 

Parking Standards - approved on 24th June 2013 and came into force on 28th June 2013

Parking Standards

Consultation Report

Seascape Character – Adopted 02/10/2023 (PCC) and 20/09/2023 (PCNPA).  

Seascape Character Supplementary Planning Guidance (opens in a new tab)

Future programme

The Council intends to prepare further items of SPG. Further details will be added to this webpage in due course.




ID: 2486, revised 17/10/2024