Adopted Local Development Plan

Habitats Regulations Appraisal

In accordance with legislation, the LDP has undergone Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) to determine whether there may be any likely significant effects on European sites designated for their wildlife and habitats (Natura 2000 sites).  The potential effects of the LDP alone and in-combination with other plans were considered at various stages during the preparation of the LDP.  HRA highlighted where changes could be made to the Plan to ensure that European sites are not impacted.  Mitigation measures were also identified.  There are 19 European sites in Pembrokeshire or close to the boundary of the Plan area to be considered.  An example of a European site in Pembrokeshire is the Afon Cleddau SAC.  

What stage are we at now?

Pembrokeshire County Council has adopted the Local Development Plan on 28 February 2013.  There have been additional Matters Arising Changes which have been assessed.  The documents below should be read in conjunction with the Pembrokeshire County Council Local Development Plan Adoption - 2021 (A working version of the Local Development Plan text, incorporating the changes recommended in the Inspector's Report is available here).

Please note that these are technical documents and provided in English only.

Completed stages in the HRA process

Pembrokeshire County Council submitted proposals for the Local Development Plan to the National Assembly for Wales in accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005 (Regulation 22). The LDP Deposit Plan including proposed focussed changes was subject to Habitats Regulations Appraisal. The submission documents include the final Habitats Regulations Appraisal Report (Deposit Plan incorporating Post Deposit Changes) which is available below.


Pembrokeshire County Council has produced Matters Arising Changes for consultation following the LDP Examination Hearings. These changes have been screened in order to assess whether or not there are potentially significant effects on European sites. The screening document is available here:

A small number of changes were identified from the screening assessment as requiring further assessment against the Habitats Regulations Appraisal. The assessment document is available here:


The LDP was screened at the outset to identify any potential effects, however, the plan was at an early stage and therefore there were no specific strategies to assess.  The statutory consultees were consulted and commented on the Habitats Regulations Appraisal.

The LDP Preferred Strategy was screened to determine whether there could be any likely significant effects on European sites that have been designated for their wildlife and habitats (Natura 2000 sites).  This process is part of the Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA).

The HRA screening predicts the potential effects of the LDP Preferred Strategy on European sites.  There was some uncertainty whether the LDP may have a likely significant effect on European sites at this stage.  The HRA looked at the plan in detail and assessed the potential effects, both alone and in-combination with other plans and identified necessary changes to the Plan to ensure that European sites were not impacted. Mitigation measures were also identified.

The statutory consultees commented on the Habitats Regulations Appraisal of the Preferred Strategy.

Please note that the Screening Report is a technical document and was not subject to a public consultation and is provided in English only.

The LDP Deposit Plan has been subject to HRA.  The report has concluded that the Plan will not have a likely significant effect on the European sites.  The report was available for consultation from 26 January 2011 to 5.00 p.m. on 9 March 2011.  The report was amended to take into account the consultation responses. The consultation report is also provided.

ID: 2494, revised 13/09/2017