Adopted Local Development Plan

Evidence Base for the Local Development Plan

 General/Joint Working

G1: Pembrokeshire County Council & Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCC & PCNPA) Joint Statement

G2: PCC and PCNPA Statement of Common Ground (2010)

G3: Summary of Issues from Public Consultation Events

G4: Pembrokeshire Community Plan 2010-2025

G5: Issues Report

G6: Stakeholder Workshop - December 2008

G7: Stakeholder Workshop - February 2010

G8: Stakeholder Seminar – Viability Testing of Affordable Housing

G9: LDP1 Candidate Site maps - please contact the Development Plans team if you require further information. 

G10: Site Assessment Report 2010

G11: Complementarity Study Main Report (Part 1)

        Complementarity Study Main Report (Part 2)

        Complementarity Study Main Report (Part 3)

        Complementarity Study Main Report (Part 4)

        Complementarity Study Main Report (Part 5)

        Complementarity Study Summary Document

        Complementarity Study Evidence Report

        Complementarity Study Evidence Report Appendices (Part 1)

        Complementarity Study Evidence Report Appendices (Part 2)

        Complementarity Study Evidence Report Appendices (Part 3)

        Complementarity Study Evidence Report Appendices (Part 4)

        Complementarity Study Evidence Report Appendices (Part 5)

        Complementarity Study Evidence Report Appendices (Part 6)

        Complementarity Study Evidence Report Appendices (Part 7)    

Housing and Communities

HC1: LDP population projections

HC2: Scale and Location of Growth

HC3: Rural Facilities Survey Report - October 2010 update  

HC4: Affordable Housing Viability Assessment (2010)

HC5: Housing Monitoring Report 1999 – 2009

HC6: Housing Monitoring Report - 2010 Update

HC7: Residence Occupancy Survey  

HC8: Gypsy Traveller Accommodation Need Assessment (2010)

HC9: Gypsy Traveller Sites (2010)

HC10: Local Housing Market Assessment 2007

HC11: Joint Housing Land Availability Study 2009

          Joint Housing Land Availability Study 2009 - Schedule 1 (PCC)

          Joint HOusing Land Availability Study 2009 - Schedule 1 (PCNPA) 

HC12: Joint Housing Land Availability Study 2008

          Joint Housing Land Availability Study - Schedule 1

HC13: Windfall Capacity Study 

HC14: Joint Housing Land Availability Study 2010

          Joint Housing Land Availability Study 2010- Schedule 1

HC15: Scale and Location of Growth ADDENDUM 2011  

HC16: Statement of Affordable Housing Need 2011  

HC17: Local Housing Market Assessment – 2012 update  

HC18: Deliverability Study 

HC19: Submission Briefing note: Meeting Gypsy Traveller Accommodation Needs

HC20: Gypsy Traveller Accommodation Need Assessment Addendum (2012)

Environment & Transport

ET1: LANDMAP Summary Report

ET2: Waste Planning Background Paper

ET3:Haverfordwest Town Centre Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment (1)

       Haverfordwest Town Centre Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment(2)

       Haverfordwest Town Centre Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment (3)

       Haverfordwest Town Centre Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment (4)



        SWWITCH Part 3

        SWWITCH Part 4

        SWWITCH Part 5

ET5: Map of Buildings/Facilities

        Map of Open Air Facilities

ET6: South West Wales Regional Waste Plan - 1st Review

        South West Wales Regional Waste Plan - 1st Review Summary

ET7: Open Space Assessment

ET8:  Green Wedges

ET9: Surface Water Flooding Assessment

        Surface Water Flooding Assessment Adoption - 2021


E1: Pembrokeshire Economic Profile

E2: Pembrokeshire Regeneration Masterplan 

E3: SME Survey 2006

E4: Haverfordwest Run Route

E5: Pembrokeshire County Council Employment Land Survey 2009

       Pembrokeshire County Council Employment Land Survey - Maps 1

       Pembrokeshire County Council Employment Land Survey - Maps 2

       Pembrokeshire County Council Employment Land Survey - Maps 3

E6: The LDP and the Pembrokeshire Economy (2011) 

E7: Tourism Background Paper - Static and Touring Caravan and Camp Sites

E8: Renewable Energy Study

E9: Regional Technical Satatement for South Wales Aggregates

E10: Mineral Landbank Calculations Summary Statement

E10: Mineral Landbank Calculations Summary Statement - Revision (position at July 2012) 

E11: County Wide Retail Capacity Study

The appendix document is available on request from the Authority. 

E12: LDP Retail Paper

        LDP Retail Paper 2

E13: LDP Local Centres Paper

E14: Pembrokeshire County Council Employment Land Survey 2011  

        Pembrokeshire County Council Employment Land Survey 2011 - Maps 1  

        Pembrokeshire County Council Employment Land Survey 2011 - Maps 2  

        Pembrokeshire County Council Employment Land Survey 2011 - Maps 3

ID: 2490, revised 16/05/2023