Walking Pembrokeshire

Plumstone Mountain Circular Walk

It's good to walk, so why not step out and sample some of the walks your neighbourhood has to offer. This pleasant and interesting walk which starts and finishes at Plumstone Mountain is one of a number of town and country walks which have been produced by Pembrokeshire County Council. 

Enjoy this medium length relatively strenuous walk around Plumstone Mountain which rewards the walker with some of the finest scenic panoramas in Pembrokeshire. There is also much flora, fauna and sites of historical importance to view on the route.  

This fascinating walk begins and ends at Plumstone Mountain, a rock outcrop in north Pembrokeshire, and takes the walker across common land around Plumstone Mountain, through the Causeway Coniferous Plantation, before skirting to the south of Dudwell Mountain and returning to the start point. The walk has some steep slopes and very muddy ground so come prepared. However the walker will be rewarded with some of the finest scenic panoramas in the whole of Pembrokeshire. 

Walking: The walk begins at Plumstone Mountain, north of Haverfordwest on the B4330 to Croesgoch.
Bus: 342 (Croesgoch-Haverfordwest)- ask to be put off at Plumstone Mountain. Bus Timetables 
Train: Nearest station is at Haverfordwest. Transport for Wales 

Map: Search for "Plumstone Mountain, Haverfordwest".
Parking: There is a small car park at Plumstone Mountain, where the walk begins and ends. The unsigned access is from the high point of the B4330 road roughly a mile south of Hayscastle Cross.
Toilets: There are no public toilets on this walk.
Refreshments: There are no refreshments available on this walk, so bring your own!

Start/Finish: Plumstone Mountain car park.
Distance: 3.75 miles, 3 hours
Terrain: This is a strenuous walk over terrain that can be very muddy at times with some steep sections - so come prepared.
Stiles: 3
Gates: 6
Steps: 0
Bridges: 0
Views: several Car Park: 1

  • Begin the walk at Plumstone Mountain car park. Do not head for the mountain outcrop but walk back along the lane you have just travelled up taking time to admire the first of many spectacular views. In this case, it is the Preseli Hills in the distance across rolling farmland (1). At the B4330, turn right and walk downhill to Lady's Cross. Take care as this is a fairly busy road with limited forward visibility.
  • Turn right onto a bridleway opposite the junction to Treffgarne. Almost immediately to your right you will see, beyond the hedge, the wooded mound that is all that remains of an Iron Age fort.
  • At the end of this lane, where it forks, go straight ahead onto an unsurfaced track, through a gate then, bear right onto a short length of path leading to a second gate. Once through, turn left alongside a fence to follow the well marked path across the southern edge of Plumstone Mountain common. Although this is common land, there are no open access rights, so please keep to the well marked paths.
  • The traditional management of commons such as this consisted of annual burning and grazing by sheep and cattle but, with the cessation of burning, the common has become dominated by Welsh Gorse and Heather with flowers growing where the vegetation is more open. The common is a favoured hunting ground for Owls, Harriers and Buzzards.
  • As you walk along the southern edge there are many paths branching off towards Plumstone Mountain which can now be clearly seen on the skyline to the north (3), but keep to the left where the forks occur, heading towards Causeway Plantation in the near distance.
  • There are splendid views to the south of the county.
  • Eventually you reach a third gate beyond which the path broadens and winds to a lane. Go straight ahead onto this lane which takes you into Causeway Plantation. The plantation has mainly Lodgepole Pine and Sitka Spruce where birds such as Long-tailed Tits, Goldcrests and Tree-Creepers are usually found as well as thousands of roosting Starlings. Other animals to be seen on this walk include adders, lizards, foxes, badgers and, of course, horses.
  • When you exit the plantation turn right onto a lane, then right again alongside a farmhouse and walk up a steeply sloping footpath with open country side to your left, the conifers to your right. Where the conifers end, climb a stile on your left, turn right into a field and then a short distance northwards, climb another stile, go through a gate, and back onto the common land south of Dudwell Mountain.
  • Rest awhile here and enjoy some spectacular views - especially westwards where Roch Castle looms on a distant ridge overlooking St Bride's Bay. There are glimpses of the sea!
  • To the north west the massive rock outcrops around St David's can be plainly seen (8), with perhaps the even more distant Ramsey Island. When you've had your fill, follow the path downhill to the south east, past a curious pile of broken rocks, across the common towards the plantation again.
  • Go through a gate and onto a bridleway that takes you through sun dappled woodland (if you are lucky!) towards a final gate where you are back on the common. After 100 yards or so a partly stoned but quite uneven footpath crosses the bridleway. Turn left onto this footpath.
  • When you reach the ridge you'll observe some prominent tumuli on your left which you might like to explore, otherwise turn right and walk up to the outcrop of Plumstone Mountain
  • Now at the end of your walk, just circle the great rocks and admire the breathtaking views across many miles in all directions. It is great fun trying to identify landmarks, including man-made ones, that are to be seen.
  • Finally, head past the rocks back to the car park. Time to visit a local town or village for some well earned refreshment perhaps!



ID: 250, revised 26/01/2023