Walking Pembrokeshire

Haverfordwest Race Course Walk

This is a pleasant and interesting circular walk at the end of the old racecourse. Walk this gently undulating walk at your leisure, and imagine how the horses galloped in days gone by.

Walking: If you live in Haverfordwest you can walk to the start of this walk. Head down Dale Road to get to Haverfordwest Cricket Club.
Bus: 301 (Haverfordwest Town Circular) Get off on Dale Road and walk down Dale Road, away from town, to get to the cricket club.
311 (Haverfordwest - Broad Haven) Get off at Belle View and walk down Dale Road to get to the cricket club.
Bus Timetables
Train: Nearest station - Haverfordwest. Transport for Wales

Start / Finish: Haverfordwest Cricket Club, Dale Road
Distance: 3 miles (Longer Walk) 1.5 hours
Terrain: Grass, tarmac, various walks; some can be muddy after rain. The Northern half of racecourse path has inner tarmac path suitable for wheelchairs and prams.
Stiles: 2
Gates: 4
Sets of Steps: 1
Car Parks: 1
Views: Race course, Haverfordwest

  • This pleasant and interesting walk offers a number of variations to suit all types of walker. This is an out of town walk, on the Dale Road in the western area of Haverfordwest, and starts in the public car park opposite the Haverfordwest Cricket Clubhouse.
  • To start the walk, cross the B4327 Dale Road and, keeping the Cricket Clubhouse on your left, enter the Race Course itself which is clearly signposted.
  • Begin walking across a gently rising grass meadow, between huge mature hedges, which is what remains of the old Race Course. You will surely be able to imagine what it was like in days gone by when horses galloped around this course, urged on by large crowds of race goers!
  • At the top of this slope, the course turns left in a large graceful curve. This then opens out to a marvellous view of the long broad North straight, at the end of which you approach the B4327 again. Cross this road once more, with care.
  • After crossing the road enter the South part of the Race Course through a gate.
  • The race course is less defined now, with mature hedging only on your right. To the left the hedge was removed to accommodate several football pitches although these no longer appear to be in active use. A short distance along the path enters a small copse of deciduous woodland.
  • Continue walking through this copse until the path broadens again. At this point you can choose whether to continue with the walk, or take a short-cut back to the start:
  • To continue the longer walk turn right through a white kissing gate in a gap in the hedge or to take the short-cut continue around the race course and back to the cricket clubhouse
  • To continue the longer walk turn right through a white kissing gate in a gap in the hedge, which brings you onto a narrow tarmacked road.
  • Cross the road and go through another kissing gate on the right and enter a beautiful narrow shady green lane that begins descending gradually into the valley.
  • Follow this lane for some distance.
  • As the path flattens out, you will see a tree growing in the path.
  • At this point you need to turn left, over a small eroded hedge bank and down a few tree rooted steps to continue the walk on an atmospheric little path with exposed tree roots alongside a deep channelled stream.
  • Continue along this winding, gently undulating path, always keeping the stream to your right.
  • Eventually you reach a stile, which takes you into the corner of a field.
  • Immediately to your right you will see another stile and then a small gate just beyond after which you come to the end of this magical path where it meets a narrow tarmaced road.Turn left and follow this road which rises quite steeply.
  • Just over the crest of the hill the road dives into some woodland and you will come to a signposted T-junction, where you must turn left again and follow this new road uphill once more.
  • Almost immediately on your right there is a gate through which unusual views of Haverfordwest can be seen although the view has unfortunately become somewhat eroded as a consequence of some recent housing development. St Caradoc's Holy Well is also nearby. Holy wells are a feature of the Pembrokeshire landscape, reflecting an environment steeped in Celtic spirituality.
  • At the top of the hill there is another T-junction and you will see the white painted kissing gate you came through earlier, which takes you back onto the Race Course. Go through the gate and turn right immediately and follow the South curve of the course and walk up the final grassy straight, keeping the hedge on your right.
  • At the end of this walk you will find yourself back at the car park where you began your walk, which you access through a gate.
  • A much shorter walk, and ideal for the disabled or families with prams, can be taken around the North part of the Race Course.
  • Within the original grassy perimeter, inside one of the great hedge banks, is a flat, tarmacked path complete with seats.


ID: 252, revised 26/01/2023