Walking Pembrokeshire

Templeton Airfield Interior Circular Walk

It's good to walk, so why not step out and sample some of the walks your neighbourhood has to offer. This pleasant and interesting short walk within the perimeter of the former Templeton Airfield is one of a number of town and country walks which have been produced by Pembrokeshire County Council.  

Templeton Airfield was one of a number of airfields constructed in Pembrokeshire as part of the UK's defences during WWII - Milford Haven was an important port that needed protection. Although no buildings remain, the runways can still be seen and give an idea of the size of the airfield. These days the main activity is sheep grazing! 

Set in the middle of typical Pembrokeshire landscape this walk, the first section of which is part of Pembrokeshire County Council's multi-user route, is fairly flat with the majority of surfaces being stone and stone concrete. It is therefore suitable for people of all ages and abilities. Ideal for families with, perhaps, small bikes and push chairs as well as older persons who like easy, none too strenuous walks.

Walking: The walk begins and ends by the storage centre at Thomas Chapel crossroads, south west of Templeton.
Bus: Bus Timetables
Train: Nearest station is at Narberth.
Road Map:Search for "Templeton, Pembrokeshire".
Parking: There is a small parking area outside the storage centre perimeter where the walk begins and ends.
Toilets: None.
Refreshments: There is a public house in Templeton.

Start/Finish: Thomas Chapel crossroads.
Distance: 2.1 miles  1 hour
Terrain: This is a relatively easy short route across stone paths, concrete and grass. As part of the multi-user route, it is accessible to persons of all ages and abilities.
Stiles: 0
Gates: 2
Steps: 0
Bridges: 0
Views: several
Car Park: 1

  • The walk begins at the storage centre, Thomas Chapel crossroads, south west of the village of Templeton. A gate gives access to a waymarked stone path alongside a memorial stone for the airfield ahead (northwards) across the airfield. After crossing a main runway the path enters a small wooded copse.
  • Ahead is a gate which leads across a main road onto a lane - this is part of another longer route. Ignore this and turn left before the gate.
  • You now follow another waymarked route that takes you back across the airfield in a south westerly direction. Soon the stone path narrows but the route is well waymarked and crosses three disused runways.
  • Where the path finally joins a disused concrete perimeter track near the boundary of the airfield, turn left following the permissive path signs. After about 1/4 mile turn left onto an old runway again following the waymarked route around two sides of an area of woodland on the right. Then bear right along another old runway heading towards a large building in the distance.
  • Once back at the memorial stone bear right onto the path through a gate which brings you back to the start, near the storage centre at Thomas Chapel crossroads.






ID: 241, revised 26/01/2023