Walking Pembrokeshire

Canaston Woods Walk

It's good to walk, so why not step out and sample some of the walks your  neighbourhood has to offer. This pleasant and interesting walk which starts and finishes at  Canaston Bridge is one of a number of town and country walks which have been produced by Pembrokeshire County Council. 

This medium length walk involves a circuit of the lovely Canaston Woods, including visits to the historic Mounton Chapel and Blackpool Mill. This route has been the subject of upgrading and, although sections of it remain steep, it is not too strenuous if taken at a relaxed pace.  

Canaston Woods is crossed by numerous paths, all of which make for enjoyable walking in this area of beautiful mixed woodland. The woods are bisected by the main path, the Knights' Way, an ancient pilgrim's route between St Davids Cathedral to the north west and Amroth on the south east coast of Pembrokeshire. The Knights' Way is at the heart of this walk, encompassing pleasant diversions to the medieval chapel of Mounton near the most southerly point of the woods and the nineteenth century mill at Blackpool, on the western edge of the woods. 

Many of the paths have undergone upgrading recently and underfoot surfaces are generally firm. However, the paths remain muddy in places and there are some strenuous sections which shouldn't prove too troublesome provided they are taken at a gentle pace! 

Walking: The walk begins at the car park on the Llawhaden road from the A40 Canaston Bridge roundabout.
Bus: 322 - Carmarthen to Haverfordwest and 381 - Tenby to Haverfordwest. Alight at Canaston Bridge. Bus Timetables
Train: Nearest station is at Haverfordwest. Transport for Wales.
Road Map: Search for "Canaston Bridge, Pembrokeshire".
Parking: There is a small car park near the A40 Canaston Bridge roundabout where the walk begins and ends. Head north along the B4314 road from the roundabout and turn left, after 50yds towards Llawhaden. The car park entrance is on the left after just over 1/4 mile.
Toilets: There are no public toilets on this walk.  
Refreshments: There's a public house up the B4314 road from Canaston Briadge roundabout.

Start/Finish: Canaston Bridge car park.
Distance: 6.8 miles, 3 hours
Terrain: This medium length walk has been subject to much upgrading and takes in surfaced lanes as well as stony, grassy and muddy paths. Certain sections are steep but not too strenuous.

Stiles: 1
Gates: 2
Steps: 0
Bridges: 1
Views: several
Car Park: 1

  • The walk starts in the small car park to the north-west of Canaston Briadge roundabout. Follow the surfaced path(signed with a horse symbol) down and through an underpass. Continue over the bridge and then alongside a metal barrier into Toch wood. Then up and over a hill, turning left at the path T junction. Continue over the splendid single arch bridge spanning the Eastern Cleddau. The magificent Blackpool Mill stands alongside the river bank  next to the bridge. Turn left onto the quiet road and after 100yds turn right onto the surfaced multi-user path. This is the Knights' Way.
  • Walk up this gently rising bridleway to the top where it meets the main road. Cross here with care as it is a busy road; then after just 15yds turn right.
  • Follow a  narrow and slightly uphill path. Continue to follow this path as it undulates and rises gently through a coniferous plantation and into older deciduous woodland.
  • Bear right at a waymarked junction in the path. It becomes quite rocky underfoot here but shortly, on your left, there is a gate in the hedge.
  • Go through the gate into the field and ahead of you are the ruins of the 15th century Mounton Chapel, sadly now in a state of decay and fenced off.
  • Retrace your steps out of the field, through the gate and back downhill to the path junction you passed earlier. Bear right here and follow it to a crossroads where it meets the main Knights' Way once more. Turn right onto this stoned track. After a while the forestry track spilts to the left and right. Instead carry on straight ahead onto a narrower stoned track that leads downhill.
  • Near the bottom of the hill, on your left, just before a shallow ford, is a further waymarked path that rises into denser woodland. Take this path. It forks shortly where you should bear left over another forestry track and continue on the path into further woodland.
  • After a short distance bear right keeping to the wider path. You will soon skirt the hidden ramparts of an old Iron Age fort. Where the path splits once again, go straight ahead ignoring the path to the right.
  • Continue on this path until it reaches the main Knights' Way once more. Turn right and follow it to the main road. Cross once again with care and walk back downhill to the lane. Turn left and then right passing Blackpool Mill again. Cross the bridge and then turn right up the hill retracing your steps back to the Canaston Bridge car park.




ID: 243, revised 26/01/2023