Walking Pembrokeshire

Narberth – Blackpool Mill Walk

It's good to walk, so why not step out and sample some of the walks your neighbourhood has to offer. This walk which starts and finishes in the historic market town of Narberth is one of a number of town and country walks which have been produced by Pembrokeshire County Council. 

This medium length but fairly easy walk takes you through beautiful Pembrokeshire lowland landscape and Canaston Wood to Blackpool Mill, on the banks of the Cleddau River, and then back to Narberth. Nearly all of the walk utilises newly upgraded multi-user paths and quiet country lanes. The walk links with one other web walk produced by Pembrokeshire County  Council.  

This walk begins and ends at the Town Moor car park in Narberth.  Allow time to explore this beautiful town, its architecture, boutique shops and many fine eating and drinking establishments (although the drinking should perhaps be left until after the walk!). The town, which is mentioned in the Mabinogion, a book of ancient Welsh tales, also boasts a Norman Castle and a fine art gallery, The Oriel, in the Queens Hall on High Street. Other web walks begin and end here - you can devise longer or shorter versions of these walks to suit your abilities and the time available to you. 

Walking: The walk begins and ends at the Town Moor car park, Narberth.
Bus: 381: Tenby - Haverfordwest - Tenby. 322: Carmarthen - Haverfordwest. 430: Cardigan - Narberth. The 322 and 381 routes also service Canaston Bridge which is a short walk from Blackpool Mill for those who do not wish to walk back to Narberth. Bus Timetables
Train: Nearest station is at Narberth. Transport for Wales
Road Map:Search for "Narberth, Pembrokeshire".
Parking: There is a pay and display car park at the Town Moor, Narberth, where the walk begins and ends.
Toilets: There are public toilets in Narberth.
Refreshments: Narberth has a wealth of shops, cafés, restaurants, and public houses.
Start/Finish: Town Moor pay and display car park, Narberth.
Distance: 3.73 miles, 3 ½ hours
Terrain: This is a medium length easy walk over multi-user paths, quiet country lanes and some grass tracks.
Stiles: 1
Gates: 3
Steps: 0
Bridges: 0
Views: several
Car Park: 1

  • From the Town Moor car park take the multi-user path that descends into woodland to the south west of the town.
  • Keep following this path downhill (from where there are lovely lowland landscape views) until you reach a bridge across a small stream. Shortly after turn right and follow the path uphill until it reaches a narrow country lane known as Valley Road. Turn right again and walk towards Canaston Wood which can be seen in the near distance.
  • When you reach the edge of the woodland, ignore a bridleway sign on your left, walk a short distance further until you reach a waymarked footpath on your left just after a crossing of a stream. Go through the kissing gate and then a second one just beyond. You are now on the northern edge of Canaston Wood - an extensive, attractive woodland of mixed deciduous and coniferous trees.
  • Follow the path through another gate as it snakes southwards alongside a small stream. Where the path opens out there is a small waymarked crossroads. Take the left fork downhill and travel on a short distance until you come out onto a wider path - this is the new multi-user route that traverses the woodland from east to west and which follows part of the route of the ancient Knight's Way, the pilgrims' route that once linked the south of the county with St Davids Cathedral in the northwest. Turn right and follow this undulating path uphill through fine stands of both deciduous and coniferous trees. Where a number of plants meet at the top of the hill go straight ahead and continue until you reach the main A4075 road. Cross this road with care and continue on through the woods down towards the Cleddau River.
  • As you follow this main path, you will see many other smaller paths that cross it - they form part of a network that covers the whole of Canaston Wood and are well worth exploring if you have time. This section in Canaston Wood also links with another web walk know as the Canaston Woods Walk.  
  • As you near the Cleddau River you exit the woods onto a country lane. Turn left and a very short distance along, turn right onto a drive - ahead of you is the magnificent Blackpool Mill which was built in 1813.
  • Alongside it is the equally impressive single-arch bridge over the Eastern Cleddau (5). Cross this bridge and you are on a further network of paths in Slebech Woods, to the north of the river.
  • On the other side of the Mill, there is a gate which links with a series of fine walks towards Minwear woods along the south bank, right on the edge of the modern Bluestone Holiday village.
  • For now, perhaps, it is enough to rest, admire the stunning architecture and the river views before setting out back towards Narberth.
  • On the return leg, bear left about 1/4 mile after crossing the A4075 road and follow this surfaced path all the way to the end of Valley Road. Turn right, go past the point where you turned off this road onto the footpath earlier, and then turn left at the Shipping Factory junction along the path all the way back to Narberth.


ID: 247, revised 26/01/2023