Trade Waste

Terms and conditions

  1. Waste will only be collected from non-domestic properties in receipt of a current Duty of Care: Waste Transfer Note fully completed and signed as required by the Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991.
  2. An agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving to the other 28 days written notice.
  3. Customers terminating their trade waste agreement must provide a Waste Transfer Note supplied by their new service provide. Customers who are transporting their own waste must provide copies of their upper/lower waste carrier license number.
  4. The Council reserves the right to change, alter or otherwise modify our service and/or the terms and conditions upon giving adequate notice.
  5. Both parties shall comply with all relevant legislation, regulations and orders relating to the contract, including the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Workplace Recycling Regulations 2024.
  6. Recycling is mandatory as  part  of  our trade waste service, you have a legal duty to take all reasonable steps to recycle as much of your waste in line with the Workplace Recycling Regulations 2024 and Pre-Treatment Directive 2007. Failure to do so, will result in your trade waste agreement being terminated.
  7. Service will not be given and/or will be withdrawn where any outstanding balances are showing on customers account.
  8. Trade waste renewals will not be processed where any outstanding balances are showing on customer’s account.
  9. We are unable to raise invoices for less than £150.
  10. All invoices are payable within 30 days of the invoice date. Failure to pay will result in the service being withdrawn.
  11. All Non Domestic/Trade Waste must be contained in Pembrokeshire County Council blue sacks or in bins.  Sacks must be tied and bin lids must be closed; any waste obstructing the lid from closing will be removed before emptying and will not be collected. Any waste left beside the bin must be in Pembrokeshire County Council’s blue trade waste sacks; otherwise the additional waste will be left.
  12. It is the customer’s responsibility to clean wheeled bin, if necessary.
  13. The Council’s wheeled bin(s) must not be subject to emptying by any other waste contractor.
  14. The ownership of the bins supplied under this agreement will remain with the Council at all times. The bin(s) shall be stored in a safe and responsible manner on the premises and must be suitably presented for ease of emptying on collection day. The bins should be available for collection from 06:30 hours on the day of collection. 
  15. The Council must be able to gain access to the bin(s) during the designated collection day.  If we are unable to gain access, a “Failed Empty” will be recorded. A return visit would constitute an additional collection if and when possible which will carry an additional visit fee of £32.00 per lorry required to return
  16. The customer shall throughout the contract take all necessary steps to keep the bin(s) secure and undamaged. In the event of a bin being lost, destroyed or damaged for whatever cause, except by negligence on the part of the Council, the customer shall be pay the full cost of either repairing or replacing the bin(s).
  17. On cancellation of a trade waste contractor, the customer must return all bins to The Council.  Any bins not returned will be charged for.
  18. The Authority reserves the right not to remove any loads (bins or sacks) that are deemed to be inappropriate, ie over weight.  
  19. All sacks and bins must be presented on at the kerbside unless a risk assessment for an alternative location has been completed.
  20. Risk assessments will be carried out before a new request for a wheeled bin will be accepted in order to agree a suitable location for the bin(s) to be collected from.  The Council’s bin(s) must not be moved from this location. If the bin(s) are relocated away from the risk assessed location, the Council will cease all collections until the bin(s) are returned to the original location or the new risk assessment is undertaken.
  21. General waste sacks must be tied and must not exceed 15kgs.
  22. All recycling must be placed in receptacles/bins provided by The Council.  Recycling placed in any other receptacles/bins will not be collected.
  23. Any contaminated recycling bins/sacks containing incorrect recyclables in line with the recycling regulations through inadequate sorting recycling will not be collected. 
  24. Any general waste sacks/bins found to contain the recyclable materials as per the recycling regulations will result in your general waste not being collected.
  25. Contamination happens when non-recyclable or improperly sorted materials mix with recyclable waste, hindering the recycling process.
  26. Continued non-compliance of the recycling regulations may result in the trade waste agreement being cancelled.
  27. The Council reserves the right to change the method of containment where current methods of containment are not suitable.
  28. Businesses who supply their own four wheeled general waste bins must ensure that the bin is constructed of steel. The council reserves the right to refuse to mechanically empty any other bins made of an alternative material, ie plastic. In order for The Council to mechanically empty your own bins a disclaimer of liability must be signed beforehand.
  29. Anyone entering into a contract for less than a 3 month block period will incur an administration charge of £31.50
  30. Any customer requesting a single stream recycling collection, ie cardboard only rather than our complete range of recycling is liable for the 10% Single Stream Charge.
  31. If the contract is terminated, a refund will only be made for the value of full rolls of sacks/labels which they were priced at; all refunds will incur a 10% admin fee.
  32. Additional deliveries of sacks carry a small delivery charge of £6.80- please allow 10 working days for the delivery of any additional sacks. Please note, by returning your completed trade waste agreement early, your first delivery is free of charge April 2025.
  33. Additional visits will be at the discretion of management and will incur a £32.00 per lorry (payable in advance).
  34. Customers requesting recycling only must provide a Waste Transfer Note for the disposal of their residual waste.
  35. A 5% discount is only applicable to customers who return their trade waste agreement and full year’s payment in excess of £250.00 by 8th April 2025. (Discount is not applicable for customers requiring an invoice)
  36. Terms and conditions for garden waste collections 
  37. Terms and conditions for Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP) collections


Additional terms and conditions - Third parties

  1. All requests for additional sacks, bins labels, additional collections and/or a change in waste and recycling provisions must be completed via online electronic form along with your purchase order.
  2. As a third-party contractor, you are liable to a 15% admin charge of all transactions
  3. As a third-party contractor, you are liable to pay 20% VAT on all transactions


Additional terms and conditions – Charities

  1. The charitable rate applies to charity shops only.
  2. The charitable rate is only applied to general waste charges.  General waste bin hire and recycling charges remain at the standard charge.


Additional terms and conditions – Second home operating as a holiday let - <182 days per year

  1. In order to comply for a second home holiday let package, a council tax reference number must be provided. A second home can only choose one of the three options available. Any additional waste and recycling provisions required are available in line with the standard trade waste tariffs – please contact our trade waste team directly for the additional charges.




ID: 11528, revised 12/03/2025