Trade Waste

Sign up / Renew your trade waste collection service

New customers

Thank you for choosing Pembrokeshire County Council for your business’s waste and recycling needs.


Before completing your application, please:

  • Review the full details of the trade waste and recycling service that we offer.
  • Read our terms and conditions, as submitting this form signifies your agreement to enter into a contract with Pembrokeshire County Council.
  • If you have any questions or require further information, contact our trade waste team:


How to sign up

  1. Complete the online trade waste agreement and waste transfer notice
  2. Upon submission, a member of our team will review your application.
  3. We will contact you by phone to confirm costs and arrange payment.


Existing customers

Thank you for choosing to renew your trade waste contract with us.


Before you renew

To ensure a smooth renewal process, please:


If you are:

  • A waste carrier using our Waste and Recycling Centres (WRCs) – Have your waste carrier’s licence number ready.
  • A charity shop – Have your registered charity number available.
  • A holiday let operator – Have your council tax reference number available.



  • Refer to last year’s Trade Waste Agreement to select your preferred waste and recycling containers for the upcoming year.
  • If you wish to modify your current containers, review our available waste and recycling equipment options before making your selection. Our team will confirm any requested changes.
  • If you have any questions or require further assistance, contact our trade waste team:


How to renew

  1. Complete the online trade waste agreement and waste transfer notice.
  2. Upon submission, a member of our team will review your application.
  3. We will contact you by phone to confirm costs and arrange payment.
ID: 12868, revised 13/03/2025