Public welfare and environmental protection

Catering and Food Safety

Get local caterers on board and source local produce whenever possible.

Event organisers should ensure that all food concessions and other caterers are registered with a Local Authority as a Food Business Operator.

In addition to being registered, it is strongly recommended that organisers should check that all caterers have a food hygiene rating of 3 or above. This can be checked FSA

A list of names, addresses, contact details and details of food hygiene rating of all food concessions (including those giving away food as part of a demonstration) should be provided to the Food Safety Team 21 days prior to the event.

There is limited value in obtaining food hygiene training certificates as they are not a requirement and not all (especially low risk businesses) will have them.

Catering units should be sensibly positioned such as away from children’s activity areas and near to water supplies etc.

Adequate space should be left between catering facilities to prevent any risk of fire spread.

It is also good practice to have separate toilet facilities for food handlers which is provided with hand washing facilities, including hot water and soap and towels. You should also ensure, when appointing food business, that they have their own facilities within their stalls, units, etc., for washing hands, equipment and where necessary, food, including arrangements for the provision/storage of hot water at their food stall that they will be using during the course of the event.

Please see link to Outdoor Catering Checklist and The Nationwide Caterers Association (NCASS). The NCASS is a nationally recognised trade association for mobile catering, outside catering, event and street food catering. In addition to other useful information, their website contains two guides on liquid petroleum gas safety for trailers/ converted vans & marquee/ tent /stall scenarios.

Please contact our Food Safety Team for further information if required at or 01437 764551.

The sale of food or goods on the highway will need Street Trading consent. Please contact our Streetcare Team on 01437 765441 or


ID: 4832, revised 09/03/2023