Planning your event

How many toilets do I need to provide for my outdoor event?

This will depend upon a number of factors such as the size and type of event, ratio of males to females etc.

The following table shows the general guidelines for provision of welfare facilities:

For events with a gate opening time of 6 hours or more

  • Female: 1 toilet per 100 females. 
  • Male: 1 toilet per 500 males, plus 1 urinal per 150 males.

For events with a gate opening time of less than 6 hours duration

  • Female: 1 toilet per 150 females. 
  • Male: 1 toilet per 600 males, plus 1 urinal per 175 males. 

Where possible, locate toilets at different points around the venue rather than in just one area to minimise crowding and queuing problems.

Toilets should also be provided with hand washing facilities, including hot water and soap and towels, particularly any facilities that are provided for food handlers.

For further details on sanitary facilities provisions refer to BS 6465: Part 1 2006 or the Purple Guide.

ID: 4889, revised 08/03/2023