Business Advice and Support

Using the Welsh Language in Your Business

The Cynnig Cymraeg (opens in a new tab) (Welsh Offer) is a new scheme by the Welsh Language Commissioner. It recognises companies and charities working bilingually. By working with the Commissioner's Hybu Team to create a Welsh Language Development Plan, your business may be eligible to apply for recognition for your Cynnig Cymraeg. The purpose of the Cynnig Cymraeg is to make it clear to the public what services you can offer in Welsh. It is an opportunity for you to show clients that they take pride in the Welsh language and are ready to use it. The Cynnig Cymraeg helps you to promote and increase the use of Welsh language services available.

How does it work?

  1. The first step is to contact the Hybu Team for a conversation and to complete a self-assessment about your current use of the Welsh language.
  2. We will then work with you to put together a Welsh Language Development Plan; set targets if your provision needs to be increased, and ensure that everyone in the company is aware of what you offer.
  3. Once your Plan is ready, we will work with you to identify your Cynnig Cymraeg: what are the headlines of your Welsh language services?
  4. Submit to the Commissioner for official approval
  5. Celebrate and promote your Cynnig Cymraeg

One company that has received the Cynnig Cymraeg is Planed. Abi Marriott said, "The Cynnig Cymraeg has already had a positive impact on our work and on the professional development of team members. It is very beneficial to have a structured plan and achievable targets to aim for.”

Contact the Hybu Team for to discuss further:




ID: 6930, revised 10/11/2023