Business Advice and Support

Recruitment and employment

People are the key element of every business. Finding the right people to work in your business, training them and then retaining them to develop their potential will drive success for your organisation.

Pembrokeshire County Council can help you write the job specification, advertise the role and then shortlist candidates.  Once you have a successful candidate we can help gather references and do background checks to ensure they meet your standards. We can support your new employee with pre-employment training and get you off on the right foot with employment contracts and inductions for new employees.

A number of special initiatives are available to support those who have been made redundant and those who are under 25 years old.

Advice on recruitment and retention of staff

Workways plus (opens in a new tab)

01437 776609

Business Wales (opens in a new tab)

General advice on recruitment

Recruitment Advice (opens in a new tab)


01437 776437

Jobseekers (opens in a new tab)

Redundancy - ReAct: support for employing someone who has been made redundant (opens in a new tab)

Jobs Growth Wales - support for employing someone 16-24 years old (opens in a new tab)

Employability Pembrokeshire - Pembrokeshire County Council

ID: 474, revised 22/11/2023