Business Advice and Support

SPF grants less than £100k - Business Grants

Capital and Revenue business funding is available to businesses within Pembrokeshire under four categories, Business Growth Grant, Business Start Up Grant, Youth Enterprise Grant, and the Carbon Reduction Grant.

Each grant will be a contribution to your proposed overall scheme with the applicant having to source a minimum 50% as match funding from elsewhere.

The Business Grant application process is administered by the Business Development team within the Local Authority Economic Development department.

Click on the relevant links to view a description and eligibly for each grant and see how to apply

Business Growth Grant [£1000-£50,000]

Business Start-Up Grant [£500-£10,000]

Youth Enterprise Grant [£250-£1,000]

Carbon Reduction Grant [£1000-£25,000]

ID: 9843, revised 22/07/2024