Business Advice and Support

Pembrokeshire in Business

Pembrokeshire is home to many small and medium sized enterprises. As a county we have a diverse range of businesses ranging from our traditional sectors of tourism and agriculture to energy and engineering plus creative, media and manufacturing businesses.

The Council's business support team works to provide a high standard of advice and support to businesses, individuals and other organisations.

It aims to foster a successful enterprising and entrepreneurial culture within the Pembrokeshire economy.

Marine Energy Wales (opens in a new tab)

Marine Energy Pembrokeshire has been set up to provide information and promote Pembrokeshire as a Hub for Marine Renewables. This website will become a "one stop shop" for developers, investors and the public wanting to know more about the projects, the resource, consenting, funding, research and infrastructure. 

Swansea Bay City Region (opens in a new tab)

The Swansea Bay City Region encompasses the four local authority areas of Neath Port Talbot, Swansea, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire. 

Haven Waterway Enterprise Zone (opens in a new tab)

Enterprise Zones are geographical areas that support new and expanding businesses by providing a first class business infrastructure and compelling incentives.


ID: 471, revised 22/11/2023