Business Advice and Support

Pembrokeshire preparing for Brexit

Pembrokeshire County Council is working with the Welsh Government, the Welsh Local Government Association and other organisations to prepare for the ending of the UK’s membership of the European Union. 

Our aim is to minimise any potential for Brexit to negatively affect Council services, and the county’s businesses and residents.

Among the things we are doing are:

We have assigned an officer who will co-ordinate the Council’s response to Brexit;

  • We have identified Brexit as a key corporate risk, and we are working to understand as best we can its consequences for the Council and for Pembrokeshire;
  • We are monitoring national events to understand likely Brexit scenarios, and using this information to develop and update a Corporate Brexit Strategy and other key strategic documents such as the Medium Term Financial Plan;
  • We are working with all our services to understand the consequences of Brexit and to put in place contingency measures;
  • We are working as a partner in the Dyfed Powys Local Resilience Forum to prepare multi-agency solutions to the challenges Brexit could pose;
  • We are engaging with national Brexit planning groups, for instance on health and social care.

Things that we plan to do are:

  • Disseminate accurate and reliable information on Brexit to businesses, communities and people in Pembrokeshire, or signpost where information can be found;
  • Provide information and support to our employees who are from other EU member states and who may need to make use of the EU Settlement Scheme;
  • Ensure all the Council’s EU funded projects are completed and closed in compliance with all applicable regulations;
  • Consider how to assist parts of Pembrokeshire’s economy, society or environment that may be disproportionately affected by Brexit;
  • Work with other interested parties to ensure that replacement regional funds are made available and that the programmes to deliver them are suited to Pembrokeshire’s needs and opportunities.

Contact us

Useful links

Note: Pembrokeshire County Council takes no responsibility for the content of external websites.

Welsh Government – Brexit “One Stop Shop” (opens in a new tab)

UK Government (opens in a new tab)

Other South West Wales Organisations

Carmarthenshire County Council (opens in a new tab)

Ceredigion County Council (opens in a new tab)

Hywel Dda University Health Board (opens in a new tab)

EU Settled Status

Non-governmental links (see Welsh Government above for governmental links)

Citizens Advice (opens in a new tab)

The 3 Million (opens in a new tab)




ID: 5510, revised 10/11/2023