School Buildings Programme

Sustainable Communities For Learning Programme

The Sustainable Communities For Learning Programme is a unique collaboration between Welsh Government and Local Authorities.

Pembrokeshire County Council's commitment to education is reflected in its capital and revenue investment in schools buildings. School buildings have a crucial part to play in helping to raise educational standards. High quality, modern school buildings with the latest, integrated ICT systems can help to raise attainment and can make a major contribution to improving educational opportunities and broadening community access to schools.

In recognition of this, we are investing heavily in new schools and in works to improve existing schools. We are currently one of the highest spenders in Wales and have already opened several new schools.

Priorities for capital expenditure include:

  • Securing sufficient pupil places, rationalising provision and removing all mobile classrooms
  • Bringing all schools to good or excellent condition
  • Ensuring full accessibility and inclusivity for those with special needs
  • Extending and supporting the development of Welsh medium education
  • Planning to meet changing curricular requirements
  • Identifying and releasing sites and premises surplus to requirements
  • Delivering a sustainable education system in Wales that meets national building standards and reduces the recurrent costs and carbon footprint of education buildings.

Since local government reorganisation in 1996, significant investment has been allocated to new projects to improve school buildings and the educational environment for our young people. This represents the most significant investment programme in our educational infrastructure for many years and we have worked very closely with schools, and the Welsh Assembly Government to develop an economic and efficient approach to development projects on school sites.

Whilst some of our expenditure has focused on removing the backlog of outstanding repair and maintenance, attention has also been given to improving the sustainability of school buildings.

Completed projects (Band A)

 Overview of Band A projects

Recently completed projects

Waldo Williams 

Haverfordwest High VC

Fenton CP

Cosheston Mobile

Ysgol Caer Elen Mobile

Under construction projects

Ysgol Bro Penfro

Portfield Special School 


For more information on the projects which are part of Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme, please contact Project Officer Margaret Treiber-Johnson by phoning 01437 764551 or by e-mailing


ID: 2479, revised 20/06/2024