Local Development Plan Review

Preferred Strategy

Preferred Strategy - 2022 update

The pre-Deposit documents were subject to a formal public consultation, which ran between 17th December 2018 and 4th February 2019 at 4.30pm.

The public notice that accompanied the consultation noted that the Local Development Plan sets out a framework for determining planning applications and directing new growth in Pembrokeshire (excluding Pembrokeshire Coast National Park locations).

It added that the following documents had been published:

  • Preferred Strategy - setting out a draft vision, objectives and the overall growth strategy as well as key policies for LDP 2.
  • Review Report - setting out which parts of LDP 1 need to change and why.
  • An Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report - setting out how the Preferred Strategy proposals have been assessed in terms of their potential social and environmental impacts.
  • Habitats Regulations Appraisal Screening Report - providing an assessment of whether or not the Preferred Stragegy is likley to have impacts on Natura 2000 sites.
  • Candidate Sites Register - showing all Candidate Sites proposing land for development and protection and the degree to which any of the proposals submitted is likely to accord with the Preferred Strategy. An opportunity was provided for the public to comment on the Candidate Sites that had been submitted prior to the commencment of consultation on the 17th December 2018.

At that stage of the Plan process, a further opportunity was also provided for the submission of Candidate Sites for inclusion in the LDP. An additional 55 sites were submitted and an opportunity for the public to comment on these was provided, which ran from the 17th April 2019 to the 6th June 2019 at 4.30pm.

Subsequent to that stage of the process, it has become known that a small number of individuals on the PCC LDP 1 database were not notified of the opportunity to register their interest for the LDP 2 Plan database.

To remedy this oversight, Pembrokeshire County Council wrote to the affected persons, inviting them to a) register to receive notifications on the Replacement LDP (LDP 2) and b) to offer each of them the opportunity to submit land as a Candidate Site. This has resulted in three further Candidate Sites being added as an Addendum to the Candidate Sites Register during 2021. It is now intended to give the public an opportunity to comment on the three further Candidate Sites between the 19th January 2022 and 16th March 2022 at 5.00pm.  This is consistent with the approach taken with regard to the Candidate Sites submitted earlier in the plan process. These sites will then be assessed using the same methodology as all other sites prior to preparation of a second Deposit Plan. 

Details of the consultation on the three further Candidate Sites

If you wish to comment on these three further Candidate Sites, please ensure you send these to the Authority by 5.00pm on 16th March 2022, either by email to ldp@pembrokeshire.gov.uk or by post to Development Plans Team, Pembrokeshire County Council, County Hall, Freeman's Way, Haverfordwest, SA61 1TP.

As a further element of the remedy, Pembrokeshire County Council is now writing to each of the persons affected by the database issue to offer them a limited opportunity to comment on the Preferred Strategy and its associated documents. This does not constitute a re-opening of the Preferred Strategy consultation to the wider public and is only available to the affected persons, each of which has been seperately contacted. Those affected have been informed where to view the documents, how to obtain paper copies (if required) and how to submit comments.

Those affected have been provided with an opportunity to submit comments on the Preferred Strategy and its associated documents between 19th January 2022 and 16th March 2022 at 5.00pm.

Please note that the opportunity to submit comments on the Preferred Strategy and its associated documents is restricted to those affected by the database issue described above and is not an opportunity for wider public comment on these documents. 

The Preferred Strategy sets out the overall direction proposed for the replacement Local Development Plan. It sets out the Plan’s vision, issues and objectives, preferred level of growth and spatial strategy and provides the strategic framework for more detailed policies. Nineteen Strategic Policies and five General Policies are proposed.

The Preferred Strategy, including the Key Diagram consultation ran between 17 December 2018 and 4 February 2019. 

The Preferred Strategy is the first formal publication in the LDP process and follows from previous consultation on Strategic Options and the ‘Call for Sites’ for inclusion within the replacement Local Development Plan. An Easy Read Version of the Preferred Strategy is available.

The Preferred Strategy is published alongside the following documents -

  • A Candidate Sites Register. The Authority has previously invited anyone with an interest in land to submit sites for consideration for inclusion within the Local Development Plan. These sites are published in the Candidate Sites Register. An initial assessment of whether sites proposed for housing including as part of a mixed use site has been undertaken.  
  • The Local Development Plan Review Report. The report sets out what needs to change in the Local Development Plan and why.
  • Initial SA Report Preferred Strategy.  The initial appraisal has been undertaken to understand the social, environmental and economic effects of the preferred options, strategic and general policies proposed within the Preferred Strategy. This should be read in conjunction with the SA Scoping Report and its associated Appendices.
  • HRA Screening of Preferred Strategy  has been prepared to assess the impact of the policies of the Preferred Strategy on Natura 2000 Sites. It is a high level strategic screening of the Strategy at this stage of the LDP.
  • An Equalities Impact Assessment Preferred Strategy has been undertaken. It assesses impact so as to understand the likely or actual impact on protected groups.

Initial Consultation Report

The Initial Consultation Report has been produced to identify how the Authority undertook its Preferred Strategy Consultation which is a formal stage in the Local Development Plan Review process.   

Initial Consultation Report

Appendix A LDP 2 Preferred Strategy Responses

Appendix B Revised Hierarchy Commentary for Council April 2019

Appendix C LDP 2 Review Report

Appendix D LDP 2 Initial SA and HRA Responses

Appendix E Preferred Strategy Track changes March 2019

Appendix F to the Initial Consultation Report – representation received on the Preferred Strategy during the further, targeted, consultation on that document and other related documents, 2022

Appendix G to the Initial Consultation Report – Addendum to the Initial Consultation Report, July 2023

Appendix H to the Initial Consultation Report -Public consultations on LDP 2 Candidate Sites

Appendix H to the Initial Consultation Report: Consultation 2 Responses - Part A

Appendix H to the Initial Consultation Report: Consultation 2 Responses - Part B

Appendix H to the initial consultation report consultation 3 Responses




ID: 2506, revised 13/12/2023