Local Development Plan Review

LDP2 Evidence Base

General/Joint working

Review Report

Initial Consultation Report

Equalities impact assessments

Equalities Impact Assessment Preferred Strategy

Equality Impact Assessment Deposit Plan

Reports on public consultation events


Retail and Commercial Centres Background Paper - Updated July 2019

SW Wales Regional Retail Study - Final Report - February 2017

Regional Retail Study February 2017 Erratum

SW Wales Regional Retail Study Appendices - 1 - 11 and 15 - 16 - February 2017

SW Wales Regional Retail Study Appendices - 12 - 14 - February 2017

SW Wales Regional Retail Study Presentation - February 2017

SW Wales Regional Retail Study Summary - February 2017

Fishguard and Goodwick Strategic Regeneration Framework - April 2019

Pembroke Strategic Regeneration Framework - February 2018

Pembroke Dock Strategic Regeneration Framework - February 2018

Milford Haven DRAFT Strategic Regeneration Framework - July 2018

Haverfordwest, A Vision for the Future, Part A - August 2016

Renewable energy

Renewable Energy Assessment  - April 2017

Renewable Energy Assessment - Appendix 1  - April 2017

Renewable Energy Assessment - Appendix 2 - April 2017

Supplementary Background Paper

Brawdy Airfield - Landscape and Visual Appraisal of Potential Wind Energy Development - June 2021:

Housing and communities

Gypsy Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2015 - October 2017

Demographic Forecasts Paper - July 2018

Demographic Forecasts Paper Addendum December 2018

Demographic Forecasts Update 2020

Background Paper Welsh Language - July 2019

Cluster Settlements Paper - December 2020 Update

Assessment of Specialist Housing and Accommodation Need for Older People in West Wales (opens in a new tab)

Housing and Accommodation Needs Assessment for People with Learning Disabilities in West Wales (opens in a new tab)

Rural Facilities Report 2020

Urban Settlements Report

Calculation of Windfall Allowance

Gypsy and Traveller Background Paper - December 2019

Settlement Boundary Methodology

Spatial Strategy Background Paper 2019

Local Housing Viability Assessment

Draft Development Sites and Infrastructure SPG 2020

Site Assessment Report 2019

Cross Boundary Settlements - Consistency of approach with Neighbouring Authorities 2021

Pembrokeshire Local Housing Market Assessment 2021


Economic Profile - June 2015

Local Employment Trends December 2018

Two County Economic Study - Final Report

Appendix A - Literature Review

Appendix B - Baseline Review

Appendix C - Strategic Sites Review

Interventions and Strategic Sites Summary Report

Two County Economic Study for Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire 2020-21 update (opens in a new tab)

Caravan Landscape Capacity Study - Part 1A

Caravan Landscape Capacity Study - Part 1B

Caravan Background Paper

Tourism Background Paper


Minerals Background Paper

Statement of Common Ground


Waste Background Paper


Green Infrastructure Plan

Pembrokeshire Green Infrastructure Assessment (opens in a new tab) 

Green Wedge Background Paper

Open Space Assessment Background Paper

Landscape Character Assessment

The draft Landscape Character Assessment forms part of the evidence base for LDP2. It is also being consulted on as draft Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Local Development Plan (adopted 2013) and which will run until 2021. The guidance will be amended following public consultation.

Strategic flood consequence assessment (SFCA)

ID: 2500, revised 07/09/2023