Local Development Plan Review

Overview and Timetable

Pembrokeshire County Council Local Development Plan Review (LDP 2)


Delay to LDP2 Timetable and return to 2nd Deposit Plan stage

Under normal circumstances, the Authority would have anticipated publishing a report of consultations from comments received to its Deposit Plan consultation (January - March 2020) alongside a set of recommended Focussed Changes.  The Focussed Changes would have been considered by Full Council with a subsequent public consultation on the parts of the Plan subject to change.

Following new evidence from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee about the damaging effects of phosphates to water ecosystems and species, in January 2021 Natural Resources Wales published new guidance on phosphates levels for Riverine Special Areas of Conservation (Riverine SACs) in Wales.  The targets published are 50%-80% higher than previously.  A significant area of the rivers in Wales are currently failing to meet these targets, including sections of both the River Cleddau and the River Teifi.  The new guidance has implications for the way in which any proposed development within a Riverine SAC is assessed under the Habitats Regulations.  It therefore has implications on the location and sites which can be included as allocations in LDP 2. 

The Authority will not be in a position to know which sites can be retained in the Plan until further information is received and additional research is undertaken.  Further time is therefore required to allow essential evidence and data to be gathered and mitigation options on the phosphates issue to be devised.   

In addition to any changes required as a consequence of the phosphates issue, the Authority is likely to wish to make a range of other changes to the Deposit Plan of 2020 in response to consultation feedback and as a result of updated evidence / changes to national policy and context, including those required as a consequence of Covid-19.

Therefore at a Full Council, held virtually on 9th December 2021, Pembrokeshire County Councillors agreed to note delays to the LDP 2 timetable and approved a recommendation to allow an amended Delivery Agreement to be prepared which includes a return to the Deposit Plan stage.  This means that a second Deposit Plan will be published for public consultation in the future.  The Timetable is still uncertain as it is dependent on the release of information and outcomes of research.  Specific dates for this are therefore not yet identified.  A new Delivery Agreement and preparation of a second Deposit Plan will allow essential evidence and data to be gathered and mitigation options to be devised.  In the meantime Pembrokeshire County Council is working with Natural Resources Wales, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, Welsh Government, neighbouring Local Authorities and other organisations such as the Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum to find both national and local solutions to the issue. 

How do I get Involved?

If you would like to be kept informed of progress on the preparation of LDP 2, please send an e-mail to ldp@pembrokeshire.gov.uk, with your name, address, telephone number, language preference (English or Welsh) and whether you prefer to be contacted by e-mail or post.  For those without an e-mail account, please telephone 01437-764551 and ask to be put through to the LDP team



ID: 2539, revised 25/03/2022