Local Development Plan Review

Delivery Agreement including the Community Involvement Scheme

The Delivery Agreement was subject to a formal public consultation period between 9th November 2017 and 5th January 2018. A report of consultations was considered by Pembrokeshire County Council's Cabinet on 19th March 2018. Pembrokeshire County Council resolved at Full Council on the 10th May 2018 to formally submit the document to Welsh Government.

A revised version, setting out a timetable for the remainder of the process and reflecting delays as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic was considered by Pembrokeshire County Council's Cabinet on 5th October 2020.  Pembrokeshire County Council resolved at Full Council on the 8th October 2020 to submit the revised Delivery Agreement to Welsh Government. Welsh Government approved the revised Delivery Agreement on 30th October 2020.  

Delivery Agreement Revision October 2020

Covid Impact Assessment October 2020

Delivery Agreement including the Community Involvement Scheme

A further revised Delivery Agreement was prepared in 2023, primarily in response to further delays arising as a consequence of the publication of the Natural Resources Wales guidance on phosphate levels in Riverine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) in Wales, which affects the Cleddau and Teifi river catchments.

This new iteration of the Delivery Agreement was considered by Pembrokeshire County Council’s Cabinet on 24th April 2023 and subsequently at Full Council on the 11th May 2023. Welsh Government subsequently approved the further revised Delivery Agreement on the 20th June 2023. 

The June 2023 Delivery Agreement supersedes the October 2020 version. 

Further Revised Delivery Agreement May 2023

ID: 2502, revised 25/07/2023