Children's Services

Transitions: Moving from Children's to Adults Services


'Transition' is the term used for people leading up to and during the time when young people with disabilities or additional learning needs leave school and move into adulthood. Once your referral to Transitions has been accepted you will be allocated a social worker to undertake an assessment of need. This will include information about community services and groups that can help you with your future plans.

What is the Transition Team?

The team is made up of staff who understand the needs of people with additional learning needs.

  • They work with young people between 14 and 25 who have been identified by children's services or education as requiring ongoing education, care and support as they transition into adulthood
  • The Transitions team works with young people and their families to plan for the future
  • They also work in partnership with other agencies

The Transition service includes:

  • The Transition Team
  • Children's services
  • Education services
  • Partnership with Parents
  • Health Services
  • Careers Wales
  • Other adult services
  • Third sector agencies
  • Advocacy

What can we do for you?

Transitions work with young people who need help to Transition from children services to adult services, planning for the future.  This includes:

  • Education
  • Employment
  • Independent living skills
  • Accommodation 
  • Social opportunities


Carers will be offered an assessment.

When will we meet you?

Depending on when we receive your referral, we will aim to meet you at least once a year at your annual school review from Year 9 (age 14). However, you can contact us to discuss changes during the year. At 17 we will be in touch more frequently to ensure your assessment is completed prior to your 18th birthday.  We do not accept any referrals post 18, but support may be available through our adult services.

Who we work with

We work with many different agencies:

  • Health, provide relevant services through specialist community health teams such as: Occupational Therapy Physiotherapy Psychology Psychiatry Speech and Language Therapy 
  • Education, this includes specialist schools, colleges and day opportunities
  • Community Connectors, Support people through signposting and referring. Through meaningful conversations, Community Connectors offer information on local services and activities to suit individual interests and widen their social networks
  • Employment agencies, will assist you to find paid or voluntary employment opportunities
  • Housing options we can support you to explore your accommodation options.
  • Advocacy services, an advocate will ensure your voice is heard. They can speak with you or on your behalf.

Transitions – Young people aged 14 – 25 years

ID: 2564, revised 20/10/2023