Child Care Assessment Team

Child Care Assessment Team

We recognise bringing up children is an important and sometimes difficult task. From time to time everyone needs help and advice. You can receive this help and advice from health visitors, teachers, family members and friends or you can contact the child care assessment team. We are also here to help and support you with any concerns you may have about the welfare of a child.

How do we help? 

The child care assessment team may be able to help by providing you with information and advice, and if necessary support you in caring for your children.

The team works in partnership with parents, young people and carers to assess their individual needs. To provide the support that you may need, the team also works with other statutory, voluntary and independent agencies.

Dewis Cymru (opens in a new tab) is the place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.

ID: 1805, revised 20/10/2023