Children's Services


What we do and how to get in touch with us.

We aim to provide support to children, young people and their families who are in need. We are here to help and wherever possible we try to provide services to allow children and young people to stay with their families. 

Child Care Assessment Team 

Deals with referrals and undertakes assessments and child protection investigations. 

Child Care Management Teams 1-3

Works with and provide support to families and children in need of care and support. Teams also work with children in need of protection and who are at risk of significant harm, and those young people looked after (YPLA).  In conjunction with colleagues from the Personal Advisor team, the teams also provide support to young people leaving care between the ages of 16 and 18, including Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (USACs)

Personal Advisor Team

This team provides support, guidance and advocacy to young people leaving care between the ages of 16 and 25. This will include support around education, employment, training, housing and independent living skills. 

Integrated Family Support Service

The Integrated Family Support Service consists of two teams, The Integrated Family Support Team and The Edge of Care Team.

The Integrated Family Support Team support families in crisis where there are issues with substance and alcohol use that impact and the safety and welfare of children.

The Edge Of Care Team provide intensive evidence based intensive interventions to families where children and young people are on the edge of the care system and may become Children and Young People Looked After by the Local Authority. The team aim to keep families together or enable children and young who become looked after to return home safely.

Family Placement Team 

The team is responsible for marketing to and recruitment of foster carers within Pembrokeshire. They provide training, supervision and wider support to foster carers as part of the team that provides care and support for young people looked after. They provide services to both mainstream and kinship / connected person foster carers. Within the team there is also a separate service that provides assessments of and support to Special Guardians. 

Children with Disabilities Team 

Works with and provide support to families and children with disabilities in need of care and support. Teams also work with children in need of protection and who are at risk of significant harm, and those young people looked after (YPLA). In conjunction with colleagues from the Personal Advisor team, the teams also provide support to young people leaving care between the ages of 16 and 18, including Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (USACs).

Holly House

Holly House provides short breaks for children and young people with disabilities from the ages of 8 to 18 who live in Pembrokeshire.


For more information:

Tel: (01437) 764551



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ID: 1804, revised 20/10/2023