Family Support Services

Integrated Family Support Team - Information For Families

What we do

We help families to make changes and take control of their lives if they are experiencing difficulties so the children can live safely at home where possible.

How we do it

  • With you we will look at the strengths you and your family already have. It is important that we hear about the good things as well as things that might be causing difficulty.
  • We will ask you and your family about what changes you each feel that you need to make and how you can make them. We will help you with any new skills that you think may be helpful.
  • We will work with you intensively for a short period of time, usually up to six weeks.
  • We will work flexibly so that we can be there at times that are useful to you.
  • We aim to work with all members of the family helping you to set and achieve goals that will make some real and positive changes in your life.
  • We will keep the children’s social worker informed about how our work together is progressing.
  • You will receive copies of all reports written and will have an opportunity to tell us what you think about the service.

What Happens Next?

  • Following our intensive work with you we will arrange to see you regularly for up to twelve months to see how things are going.
  • In between it may be useful to have some extra help and you or your social worker can contact us to arrange this.
  • We can also help you to contact other agencies to work with you at the end of our involvement.
  • If you feel that the service can be improved in any way please talk to us about it.

Who Are We?

The Integrated Family Support Team are located within Pembrokeshire County Council. We consist of staff qualified, registered and experienced to support families in crisis where there are issues with substance and alcohol use that impact and the safety and welfare of children.

Contacting Us

You can either call your social worker directly on their mobile or via their team. If you don't have a social worker and feel that you need support, you can contact the child care assessment team on 01437 776444. Should you wish to speak to a member of the Integrated Family Support Team, you can call us on 01437 764551.

ID: 10669, revised 20/10/2023