Family Support Services

Family Support Team

The Family Support Team sits within the Education Directorate and offer a range of voluntary, early intervention and preventative targeted support services to meet the needs of families with children aged between 0 – 25 yrs. old residing in the County of Pembrokeshire. Funded via the Welsh Government, Children and Communities Grant programme the service offers practical support, guidance and advice to those needing help with improving their circumstances; with a particular focus on promoting parenting, healthy relationships and access for all to community resources to address the support needs of families in our County.

The team operates within the framework of both the Families First Guidance, which is a key response to the Welsh Government's Child Poverty Strategy and the Flying Start Guidance which is Welsh Government targeted Early Years programme for families with children under 4 years of age in some of the most disadvantaged areas of Wales. In addition to the offer of direct support to individual families, the team provide collaborative group work and workshops on various topics to help empower relationships and promote resilience.

The team take a strengths–based approach to offering help to families with assessments focusing on what is working well, what are the family’s needs and what needs to happen in order for change to be achieved successfully.

Information for Families

The Family Support Team is here to offer you and your family the right support at the right time. 

The beginning of your journey with us – what you can expect 

It’s your Choice to work with us: 

  • We will be friendly, honest, respectful and professional.
  • We will work with you to understand what matters to you and your family.

Whilst we’re working together

Your Voice is important - we will listen to you and look together at the different areas of your family life. 

We will work together on a plan of what to do next:

  • Find strengths and build on them
  • Provide the tools to support you and your family in making good choices
  • We will do what we have said we will do
  • We will help you to reach your goals.
  • We will work with others to find the right support for you.

Moving forward

When you feel in Control, we will help you move forward in your family life:

  • We will encourage you to be part of our community, and to help others
  • We’re still here for you if you need us.

Tell us what you think – we welcome your feedback and suggestions.

The Family Support Team (FST) is based in:

The Flying Start Centre Pennar
Cross Park
Pembroke Dock
SA72 6SW

Telephone: 01437 770023

Information for Professionals

Supporting families in Pembrokeshire

The Pembrokeshire Families Support Network is a single point of access for parenting support in Pembrokeshire, which launched in February 2023.

Professionals and families can now access parenting support in Pembrokeshire by coming through one single front door to our network of early intervention and prevention focused parenting teams. We have already seen the positive impact this has had on effective and fast engagement with families, as opposed to previously having to individually request team input separately with no joined up approach on how we can collectively support sustainable progress. 

Some of the support available:

  • Family Support Team (previously TAF and FST)
  • Action for Children
  • Springboard
  • NHS Health Visitors
  • Inclusion Support Service
  • PAVS Community Connector
  • Youth Workers
  • Housing Support Gateway

Professional referrals

Referrals to the Family Support Team are now accepted via the new single point of access for parenting support - PFSN (Pembrokeshire Families’ Support Network).

As professionals, if you would like to refer an individual or local family for parenting support, please complete the online PFSN Referral form (opens in a new tab) . 

Please note that incomplete referrals will be returned to you, as without all requested information we will be unable to allocate appropriately.

  • Complete forms received will be actioned at PFSN allocation meetings.
  • At present allocation takes place twice weekly, minimising delay and maximising the efficiency with which we link families to appropriate support.

Useful links:

Pembrokeshire Families' Support Network - Pembrokeshire County Council

Dewis Cymru (opens in a new tab) is the place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.

ID: 10650, revised 29/11/2023